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[其他] 求助,excite计算错误

发表于 2022-6-20 08:46:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 山西大同

Warning (Code 9990007)
The following joints/constraints might be too inaccurate.
Their individual right hand sides (accuracy) are given.
User action:
(1) Check the joint properties of these joints.
(2) Check the positions, orientations and orientations of
the connected body nodes.
for constraint 2@ - GuidLine1 no.   2 accuracy is      3.4757     mm/s
for constraint 18@ - GuidLine2 no.   2 accuracy is     -1.7378     mm/s
for constraint 19@ - GuidLine3 no.   2 accuracy is     -1.7378     mm/s
for constraint 20@ - GuidLine5 no.   2 accuracy is     -1.7378     mm/s
for constraint 21@ - GuidLine6 no.   2 accuracy is      3.4757     mm/s
for constraint 22@ - GuidLine4 no.   2 accuracy is     -1.7378     mm/s
for constraint 30@01 - BigEnd1_01 no.   1 accuracy is      103.26     mm/s
for constraint 31@01 - BigEnd2_01 no.   1 accuracy is     -66.391     mm/s
for constraint 31@01 - BigEnd2_01 no.   2 accuracy is      18.238     mm/s
for constraint 32@01 - BigEnd3_01 no.   1 accuracy is      46.808     mm/s
for constraint 32@01 - BigEnd3_01 no.   2 accuracy is     -49.008     mm/s
for constraint 33@01 - BigEnd4_01 no.   1 accuracy is      46.808     mm/s
for constraint 33@01 - BigEnd4_01 no.   2 accuracy is     -49.008     mm/s
for constraint 34@01 - BigEnd5_01 no.   1 accuracy is     -66.944     mm/s
for constraint 34@01 - BigEnd5_01 no.   2 accuracy is      18.390     mm/s
for constraint 35@01 - BigEnd6_01 no.   1 accuracy is      103.26     mm/s
for constraint 35@01 - BigEnd6_01 no.   2 accuracy is      1.8330     mm/s

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