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发表于 2003-11-21 11:22:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 LAN
我采用Visualization——>report——>field output来将模型的所有某变量如 U2输出,后采用surfur或origina来作等势线。但似乎abaqus的输出还是不太方便,我同时输出位移U2和坐标coord,得用position=Unique nodal来进行,而且出现以下问题,就是一个节点处有两坐标值?在附件
顺问问,输出position=Unique nodal, element nodal, integration point, centroid nodal, whole element这四个选项到底有甚么区别?


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发表于 2003-11-21 11:35:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏南京

回复: 【讨论】关于abaqus的输出问题

Element nodal and unique nodal positions both involve reporting results at the nodes of the model; however, reporting of unique nodal values produces only a single value at each node, whereas reporting of element nodal values produces one value for each element that has a contribution at that node. Unique nodal values and element nodal values are identical in the case of node-based variables such as displacement, whereas for element-based variables such as stress, extrapolation and averaging must be carried out to obtain the nodal values. The following table summarizes which output positions can be reported, depending on what position was used when the variable was saved to the output database:
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