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【分享】电子商务与汽车工业论文摘要一篇 english

发表于 2004-7-14 16:48:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 天津
The impact of e-business on the competitive landscape : case of automotive industry in Asia  
     Amir Albadvi    *  
     Idea Group Publishing
1331 E. Chocolate Ave. Hershey, PA USA  
    Divisible Book/Article  
   &nbspage: 196 - 205   
    ISBN: 1-931777-42-X   
    This chapter focuses on the power and challenges of e-business in enhancing the competitive advantage in developing countries' industries and reports of some survey results in the Asian auto-industry. The study confirms that as many web-based businesses are learning that the real value of e-business comes not in the form of sales, but in removing inefficiencies in traditional business models. The study shows that currently, most auto manufacturers in Asia use e-business only for internal administration; despite all the talk of e-business, the development in Asia is slow. The current infrastructure in the industry is largely internally focused, incongruent with the customer-orientation of e-business. Furthermore, the author concluded that due to the uncertain nature of e-business, few companies understand how to integrate e-business into their corporate strategy in Asian developing countries. Companies need a clearly planned vision, starting with basic solutions. From there, the strategy will evolve to solutions in wider marketplaces.
Primary Classification:
    K.  Computing Milieux  
    K.6.1  Project and People Management  
    Subject: Systems development  
Additional Classification:
    K.  Computing Milieux  
    K.6.1  Project and People Management  
    Subject: Management techniques (e.g., PERT/CPM)  
General Terms:
  Note: OCR errors may be found in this Reference List extracted from the full text article. ACM has opted to expose the complete List rather than only correct and linked references.
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    8   Dearing, B. E. (1990). The strategic benefits of EDI. The Journal of Business Strategy, 11(1), 4-6.
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    13   Lee, Ronald M. (2000). Electronic trade scenario for global supply chains. In S.M. Rahman & M.S. Raisinghani (Eds.), Electronic Commerce: Opportunity and Challenges. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
    14   Lowy, A., Ticoll, D. & Tapscott (eds.) (1998). Blue Print to the Digital Economy. New York: McGraw Hill.
    15   Palmer, J.W. & Griffith, D.A. (1998). An emerging model of web site design for marketing. Communications of ACM, 41(3), 44-51.
    16   Raisinghani, M.S. (2000). Electronic commerce at the dawn of the third millennium. In S.M. Rahman & M.S. Raisinghani (Eds.), Electronic commerce: Opportunity and challenges. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
    17   Rochester, J.B. (1989). The strategic value of EDI. I/S Analyser, 27(8), 1-14.
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    19   Varney, S.E. & McCarthy, V. (1996). E-commerce: Wired for profits. Datamation, 42(16), 43-50.
    20   Zwass, V. (1999). Foundations of Information Systems. NY: Harcourt Brace Publishing Co.
发表于 2004-7-21 16:58:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 河北衡水

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