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[教程资料] 『分享』HyperWorks Results Mapper (HWRM) 使用

发表于 2005-8-24 08:39:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 北京
HWRM is a Process Manager based tool that provides a framework to initialize a structural model with results from a forming simulation. The Process Manager template takes you through a step-by-step approach starting from loading the structural model and forming simulation results followed by choosing the results quantity to map and finally exporting the mapped data. Any scalar, vector or tensor data that can be read into HyperView can be chosen for mapping. The results are transformed as necessary if the forming and structural models are in different co-ordinate frames. Some amount of geometric difference between the forming and structural model is tolerated.

1)  Open HyperView
2)  Go to View and select Browser
3)  Click the Process tab
4)  Click the file browser to open a Process Template. Browse to Altair/hw7.0/hw/tcl/fepre/hwrm and load the file hwrm70.pmt.
5)  Type the name of the new process instance and click Create
6)  Browse and select the structural model file and click Import
Note: You can either read the model as a HyperMesh/HyperForm database or as a Nastran, LSDYNA or Abaqus format ascii input deck.
7)  If several components exist in the model file, select the component that needs to be initialized.
8)  If the structural model is in a different orientation than the forming model, a set of nodes, N1, N2, N3 and a base point need to be specified for establishing the co-ordinate transformation between the two models. To obtain the appropriate N1, N2 and N3, prior review of the forming model may be required. Click Apply after choosing the positioning nodes.
9)  Browse to the results file and click Import
Note: Any data format supported by HyperView including H3D can be used as the results file.
This action will split the HyperView window into two and load the last stage of the forming simulation in the second window. If an earlier stage is desired for the mapping, use the Animation Controls.
Note: To get back to the Select Mapping Parameters step, you will need to first click on Read Result File and then click on Select Mapping Parameters.
10)  Display the component that contains the forming results to be mapped
11)  Use a set of nodes N1, N2, N3 and a base point from the forming model if it’s in an orientation different from the structural model.
12)  In the Mapping Parameter field, select the result quantity to be mapped.
Note: Depending on whether the chosen parameter is a nodal or elemental quantity as written out from the forming solver, the Mapping method will display the information. If the structural solver requires it to be different, the switching can be done from Mapping method.
13)  Supply any scaling factors if necessary
14)  Click Apply
15)  Choose the template for the structural solver for which the mapped data is desired.
16)  Browse to the directory where you want this data to be written.
Note: You can either choose an existing input data file where the mapped data needs to be appended or supply a new file name.
17)  Click Exec to complete the mapping and write out the data
Note: At the end of the mapping, the window containing the forming model is split into two in order to compare the mapped results contour on the structural model with the forming model.
18)  To map a different result quantity, go back to Select Mapping Parameters and select the desired Mapping parameter and repeat steps 14-17.
Note: When vectors or tensor quantities are mapped only the first component is displayed for comparison. To display the other components, you can use the HyperView contour panel.
发表于 2008-1-6 20:03:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自 美国
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发表于 2009-3-31 16:36:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海长宁区
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