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Major New Features of ADINA 8.4

发表于 2007-1-5 16:28:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海
Major New Features of ADINA 8.4


We list here some major new features of ADINA 8.4. For a complete list of all new features, please refer to the Release Notes.

ADINA — Structures

New Iterative Solver:
A New Iterative Solver for Higher-Order Elements in the Analysis of Solids

Small Displacement Contact Algorithm:
New Contact Solution Options in ADINA — the MNO and Gap-override Options

New 'Total Load Application' Algorithm — the TLA Algorithm
This new option provides the solution for a total applied load without specifying solution strategy parameters. ADINA automatically increments the load. This solution option can be particularly efficient in case of contact with structural parts or bodies not initially restrained.

New 3D Rigid Target Contact Algorithm
A new rigid target contact algorithm for 3D analysis is available. This algorithm includes possible frictional effects and is useful, for example, in metal forming analyses.

Much Improved ADINA CFD solver:
10 Million DOF CFD Solutions on a Laptop

Use of Multiple Reference Frames:
The Multiple Reference Frame Feature in ADINA CFD

New Turbulence Models:
Solving Unsteady Separated Flow Using ADINA CFD

New Turbulence Model in ADINA for CFD

Improved Nastran Interface for ADINA CFD:
Using NASTRAN Models for 3D CFD and FSI Analyses

Pre- and Post-Processing

Nastran Model Export (in addition to import):
Nastran Model File Export

Many new important options for pre- and post-processing in the ADINA User Interface
... and we are pursuing very exciting further developments ... for new features
in ADINA version 8.5!
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