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求助 关于弹簧单元的边界问题

发表于 2007-7-5 10:25:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏南京

Starting Job on Thu Jul 05 09:40:21 2007
Checking prerequisite files...
Maximum memory allowed for solution = 455.8 mb
Initializing ... Stage 1
Initializing ... Stage 2
Allocating 455779736 bytes of memory ...
Starting Solution Process ...
Computation starts ...
Input phase...
Available memory for ADINA without sparse solver -   455.8 mb
Estimated storage by ADINA without sparse solver -    22.4 mb
Assemblage of linear matrices.
Calculate and store the load vector
Re-allocating 22066020 bytes of Memory ...
Initial contact penetration,contact group    1,no. of penetrating nodes      33
Storage used by the sparse solver (in-core) -   142.0 mb
Total storage occupied by the ADINA program -   164.0 mb
*** Stiffness matrix not positive definite ***               
node=      5559 equation=      5116  dof= Z-TRANSLATION  pivot= -1.42443771E+01
node=     14239 equation=     30930  dof= X-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14239 equation=     30931  dof= Y-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14240 equation=     30933  dof= X-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14240 equation=     30934  dof= Y-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14241 equation=     30936  dof= X-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14241 equation=     30937  dof= Y-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14242 equation=     30939  dof= X-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14242 equation=     30940  dof= Y-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14242 equation=     30941  dof= Z-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14243 equation=     30942  dof= X-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00
node=     14243 equation=     30943  dof= Y-TRANSLATION  pivot=  0.00000000E+00

Stiffness matrix not positive definite,boundary conditions or model collapsed
*** ERROR NO. A1002 ***                                                        

Stiffness matrix not positive definite,boundary conditions or model collapsed
*** Program stopped abnormally ***  Please see the *.out file for details.

Error encountered ...
Releasing network license ...
Job Canceled on Thu Jul 05 09:40:59 2007
发表于 2010-9-1 18:24:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自 天津河西区
回复 不支持

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-9-3 11:23:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 河北石家庄
回复 不支持

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-9-5 19:04:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北鄂州
回复 不支持

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