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【消息】Simpleware 直接输出体网格到COMSOLMultiphysics® 3.4

发表于 2007-12-17 10:18:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 浙江杭州
Simpleware 输出体网格到COMSOLMultiphysics® 3.4

      在2007 COMSOL用户大会上  Simpleware 公司与COMSOL公司宣布 建立一种合作关系 :
      由世界领先的三维建模软件Simpleware的体网格划分模块+ScanFE™提供一个输出端口到业界最重要的多物理场仿真软件 COMSOL Multiphysics® 3.4。

    Simpleware Ltd. and COMSOL Inc. announced at the COMSOL Users Conference 2007 in Grenoble a partnership agreement to provide an export interface from Simpleware's world-leading 3D image-based meshing software +ScanFE™ to COMSOL Multiphysics® 3.4, the industry's foremost multiphysics simulation environment. The +ScanFE interface enables COMSOL users to directly import high-quality meshes generated from MRI, CT, and MicroCT scan data into COMSOL Multiphysics 3.4 for modelling and simulation without requiring re-meshing or pre-processing.
"The ability to create multiphysics models from MRI and CT data is something that many of our biomed and bioengineering users have demanded", said Ed Fontes, VP of Applications at COMSOL. "This new cooperation with Simpleware places COMSOL Multiphysics on the leading edge of biomedical and bioengineering modelling, design, and simulation".

    更多信息 请登陆Simpleware公司http://www.simpleware.com   ※  http://www.simpleware.com/news.php
                                               &   www.gaitech.net
        COMSOL: www.comsol.com

[ 本帖最后由 Jean_Huang 于 2007-12-17 10:19 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-17 10:18:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江杭州

  Simpleware三维建模软件基于其核心的图像处理平台 ScanIP, 同时提供用于网格生成ScanFE模块和CAD植入的ScanCAD模块,为从三维图像转换成CAD/快速成形/有限元模型提供了世界领先的软件解决方案。


ScanIP图像处理软件提供了一系列的图像可视化、图像处理以及图像分割的工具, 分割后的图像可以以STL文件的格式输出以进行CAD分析或快速成形生产;也可结合ScanFE,生成体网格,直接输出到常见的商业有限元软件中进行后续分析。


ScanFETM 网格划分模块是基于ScanIP 生成的模型而进行的,可生成体网格或者表面网格,自动生成接触面,并可对分割部分进行材料属性的分配。ScanFE生成的高质量网格可直接输入到一系列商用有限元软件和计算流体力学软件中。


ScanCAD模块与ScanIP模块紧密结合,为CAD模型与三维图像的融合提供了一系列的工具。例如,模块可通过在术前扫描中定位不同植入物的CAD模型获得病人个性化模型。通过采用组合模型可以对术后的性能进行评估,并且可对多种情况 (例如,采用不同的植入工具对植入物定位的压力场的灵敏度)进行直接地检测。

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-12-17 10:22:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江杭州
附两篇利用Simpleware 建模 输出体网格到COMSOL的相关文章 请参考
New COMSOL Export Case StudiesResearch groups at the University of Alaska and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences have been testing our new COMSOL export, and have recently presented their results at the Comsol User's Conferences in Boston and Grenoble.

The simulation of pore scale fluid flow with real world geometries obtained from X-ray Computed Tomography
Fourie, W., Barnes, D.L., University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA.

Particle trace plot super-imposed on the soil sample This study uses a 3D model of a coarse sand scanned at 4.3 µm resolution. The scan data is converted into high quality meshes in Simpleware, and then the simulation of fluid flow is carried out using Comsol Multiphysics. The model allows calculation of isotropy, tortuosity and dispersivity of the soil in all directions which can now be directly calculated and compared to experimental results found in the laboratory.

Simulation of salt diffusion in a pork (bacon) side using 3D imaging
Schüller, R.B., Aastveit, A., Egelandsdal, B., Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway.
Salt diffusion simulation in a piece of pork bacon can be a relatively complex task as it consists of different regions of skin, meat, fat and bone. The case study however demonstrates that Simpleware and Comsol are very efficient tools to handle this type of food matrix. The bacon sample was first segmented and meshed in Simpleware, and then an industrial salting process was simulated in Comsol Multiphysics.
Contour of salt concentration after equilibration period of 7 days

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