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[FDS] First Aid is a skill - wow gold

发表于 2009-5-31 13:12:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 福建福州
Advancing in First Aid is similar to fishing and cooking. At fist you’ll be able to increase your ability by simply training at a trainer. When you reach 125 skill in First Aid you’ll then need to begin using various books (and later even a quest) in order to advance your skill and learn new recipes. Since First Aid is such a viable skill, these books are quite easy to get and mostly can be purchased from special locations.

[125 – 225] Book: Expert First Aid – Under Wraps

Useable at 125 skill in First Aid and raises your potential to allow you go up to 225 in skill.

This book can be purchased for one gold at two different vendors, depending on what faction you are with. The Alliance will buy wow gold need to seek out Deneb Walker in Stromgarde Ruins. The location is 27,58 (the Alliance held portion of Stromgarde). The Horde will need to seek out Balai Lok’Wein who is located in Brackenwall Village inside of Dustwallow Marsh.

While you are there, pick up the Heavy Silk Bandage and Mageweave Bandage Manuals.

[225-300] Quest: Triage

At level 35 and with 225 skill in First Aid you can seek out a special quest that will allow you to obtain a potential of 300 skill in First Aid and open up the path to learn more recipes.

    Alliance: You&rsquo,cheap wow gold;ll need to head to Theramore Isle and seek out Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in the far right corner of the keep. You’ll know which one because there will be soldiers outside practicing.

    Horde: You’ll need to head to Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands and seek out Doctor Gregory Victor.
    Position yourself in the middle of the room, kind of beyond the Doctor. You may have to move around a little but you’ll get the feel for the location in a little bit.
    Clear away some space on your quickbar and open your inventory to the first open slot. Go ahead and take the quest from the Doctor. Various sick people will spawn on the bed and you’ll be given bandages.
    Move the bandages to your quickbar and start bandaging the sick people. You’ll want to bandage the Critically Injured first, then the Badly Inured, then the Injured.
    Continue doing it one after another until you’ve cured about 15 patients. If you didn’t fail the quest (too many died) then the doctor should have a golden question mark above his head letting you know you’re done. If you did fail then you’ll have to start over.

You’ll have to return to this doctor to learn Heavy Mageweave, Runecloth, and Heavy Runecloth bandages. He’ll train you for free when you have enough skill.

[300-375] Master First Aid – Doctor in the House

Useable at 300 skill in First Aid and raises your potential to allow you go up to 375 in skill.

In Outland this book can be purchased in either Falcon Watch for the Horde or the Temple of Telhamat for the Alliance. At the same location you can pick up a Netherweave and Heavy Netherweave books!


Who can use First Aid?

First Aid is a secondary skill that is available to everyone. Anyone (above level five) in the game, no matter what professions they currently have, can pick up First Aid.

Where can I learn First Aid?

When you obtain level five seek out and ask a guard where the First Aid trainer is.

How do I use First Aid?

Once you’ve obtained the necessary cloth (for instance, Linen Cloth), navigate to your spellbooks first page and find First Aid. Left click on the skill, select the bandage you wish to craft, then click craft. Later on you can right click on the bandages in your inventory (or place them on your hotbar) and “cast” them on yourself or others.

Where can I find cloth necessary for First Aid?

Cloth is generally found off of buy wow gold Humanoid enemies and enemies. You can also purchase cloth from the Auction House, but sometimes it’s cheaper to buy the bandages. Do some price research before you buy!

I tried to use a bandage but it stopped! What&rsquo,cheap wow gold;s going on?

Bandages can only be used while you are taking no damage and standing still. If you move, some hits you with a melee attack or spell, or do any action but stand still then the bandage will stop healing you. Any health gained up to that point is yours to keep though. If you are targeting another player then that player can not take damage while you are using the bandage as well.

How do I raise my First Aid skill?

Craft green, yellow,buy wow gold, or orange bandages. Grey bandages will give no skill while red ones can not be made (with the nature of First Aid you will rarely have red bandages). As you skill increases you can purchase new bandage types.

What are the skill caps?

Journeyman First Aid will raise your skill cap from 75 to 150. Once you gain 150 First Aid skill, you will need to purchase a First Aid book to become an Expert and raise your cap to 225. At 225, become an Artisan (from a quest) for a 300 skill cap. When you reach 300 skill you'll need a book from Outland to increase the skill cap to 375

Are there any snazzy bandage tactics?

Yes! In PvP combat (you can purchase PvP bandages at various levels from battleground vendors) you can stun someone buy wow gold then begin using a bandage. You can also stun/crowd control someone and hide then use a bandage. Remember, you get healed until you take damage again. So if you were to Frost Nova a Warrior that would give you plenty of time to get atleast 1,000 HP restored with a Heavy Runecloth Bandage.
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