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[复合材料] 我是做一个型钢混凝土变截面的悬挑梁的分析出现了好多错误,如下

发表于 2011-6-22 12:57:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 LAN
/COM,ANSYS RELEASE 11.0SP1 UP20070830       11:45:20    06/22/2011
/COM,ANSYS RELEASE 11.0SP1 UP20070830       11:45:39    06/22/2011
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     206.625   TIME= 11:50:09
There are 4 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***                           CP =     206.641   TIME= 11:50:09
The value of UY at node 5616 is 3.045969419E+10.  It is greater than   
the current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body      
motion as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model   
is properly constrained.                                                
*** ERROR ***                           CP =     206.703   TIME= 11:50:15
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 5616 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     216.922   TIME= 11:50:28
There are 1 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***                           CP =     216.953   TIME= 11:50:28
The value of UY at node 3108 is 2.6154828E+09.  It is greater than the  
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     216.984   TIME= 11:50:31
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 3108 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     224.734   TIME= 11:50:39
There are 1 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     224.750   TIME= 11:50:39
The value of UY at node 3108 is 2.6154828E+09.  It is greater than the  
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     224.750   TIME= 11:50:39
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 3108 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     232.141   TIME= 11:50:47
There are 2 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     232.172   TIME= 11:50:47
The value of UY at node 1775 is 805153389.  It is greater than the      
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     232.172   TIME= 11:50:47
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 1775 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     239.391   TIME= 11:50:55
There are 5 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     239.406   TIME= 11:50:55
The value of UX at node 5618 is 527477123.  It is greater than the      
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     239.406   TIME= 11:50:55
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 5618 in the UX direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     246.656   TIME= 11:51:04
There are 7 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     246.672   TIME= 11:51:04
The value of UY at node 1609 is 401763800.  It is greater than the      
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     246.672   TIME= 11:51:04
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 1609 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     253.766   TIME= 11:51:12
There are 7 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     253.781   TIME= 11:51:12
The value of UX at node 5617 is 269309778.  It is greater than the      
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     253.781   TIME= 11:51:12
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 5617 in the UX direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     260.953   TIME= 11:51:20
There are 5 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     260.969   TIME= 11:51:20
The value of UY at node 2400 is 199688476.  It is greater than the      
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     260.969   TIME= 11:51:20
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 2400 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     268.156   TIME= 11:51:28
There are 4 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     268.172   TIME= 11:51:28
The value of UY at node 2609 is 167173923.  It is greater than the      
current limit of 1000000.  This generally indicates rigid body motion   
as a result of an unconstrained model.  Verify that your model is      
properly constrained.                                                   
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     268.188   TIME= 11:51:28
Rigid body motion can also occur when net section yielding has         
occurred resulting in large displacements for small increments of load  
or when buckling has occurred.  You can plot the time history curve     
for node 2609 in the UY direction to check for stiffness (slope of the  
curve) approaching zero.                                                
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     268.188   TIME= 11:51:28
The unconverged solution (identified as time 1 substep 999999) is      
output for analysis debug purposes.  Results should not be used for     
any other purpose.                                                      
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 152 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 152 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 152 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 152 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 152 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 152 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 156 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 165 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 167 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.891   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 235 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.906   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 235 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.906   TIME= 11:55:19
Surface loads on area 235 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.906   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 235 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.906   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 235 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.906   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 235 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.906   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 241 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.906   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 245 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 246 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 247 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 249 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 250 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 253 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 253 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 253 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 253 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 253 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.922   TIME= 11:55:20
Surface loads on area 253 are not transferred to unselected element     
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     272.953   TIME= 11:55:20
Out of the 6340 defined elements, only 4212 elements are selected.      
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     273.078   TIME= 11:55:29
Element order list length 6340 does not match number of selected        
elements 4212                                                           
  New order vector being created.                                       
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     318.969   TIME= 11:58:10
A default command range is not provided for the ESEL command.           
  The ESEL command is ignored.                                          
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     667.562   TIME= 12:11:10
There are 41 small equation solver pivot terms.                        
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     673.734   TIME= 12:11:18
There are 52 small equation solver pivot terms.                        
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     676.672   TIME= 12:11:21
There are 6 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     679.531   TIME= 12:11:25
There are 2 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** WARNING ***                         CP =     682.469   TIME= 12:11:29
There are 2 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     685.406   TIME= 12:11:32
There are 2 small equation solver pivot terms.                          
*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     685.500   TIME= 12:11:32
One or more elements have become highly distorted.  Excessive           
distortion of elements is usually a symptom indicating the need for     
corrective action elsewhere.  Try incrementing the load more slowly     
(increase the number of substeps or decrease the time step size).  You  
may need to improve your mesh to obtain elements with better aspect     
ratios.  Also consider the behavior of materials, contact pairs,        
and/or constraint equations.  If this message appears in the first      
iteration of first substep, be sure to perform element shape checking.  
*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =     685.500   TIME= 12:11:32
The unconverged solution (identified as time 1 substep 999999) is      
output for analysis debug purposes.  Results should not be used for     
any other purpose.   
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