nibam11 发表于 2013-1-30 17:33:22


Current Memory (RAM)                                    :    2947 MB
Estimated Minimum Memory (RAM) for Minimum Core Solution:    2822 MB
Recommended Memory (RAM) for Minimum Core Solution      :    2947 MB
Estimated Minimum Memory (RAM) for Out of Core Solution :    6742 MB
Recommended Memory (RAM) for Out of Core Solution       :    7525 MB
Recommended Memory (RAM) for In-Core Solution         :   38639 MB
Recommended Number of Nodes for OS SPMD Parallel Run    :       6
(Note: Minimum Core Solution Process is Activated.)
(Note: The Minimum Memory Requirement is limited by Assembly Module.)      
(Note: Use param,HASHASSM,yes to avoid assembly module memory bottleneck)


Estimated Disk Space for Output Data Files            :   15317 MB
Estimated Scratch Disk Space for In-Core Solution       :   78905 MB
Estimated Scratch Disk Space for Out of Core Solution   :115003 MB
Estimated Scratch Disk Space for Minimum Core Solution:119581 MB
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