FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:09:13











FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:12:28


专业的边坡稳定性分析软件 SLOPE/W


GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: SLOPE/W专业的边坡稳定性分析软件

      SLOPE/W 软件采用极限平衡理论去计算土质和石质边坡(含路堤)的安全性。 SLOPE/W 软件对于综合问题公式化的特征使得它很容易计算简单的或复杂的边坡稳定问题。

1 、建模容易、操作简便。
2 、可以直接使用 Autocad 底图建模,计算结果可以采用多种格式输出,供打印和汇报使用。
3 、对一个问题可采用不同的计算方法,与 SIGMA/W 模块结合,可以按有限元应力法计算边坡的稳定度;与 QUAKE/W 模块相结合,可以分析在地震荷载作用下的边坡问题;还可以采用 Monte Carlo 可靠度法来对边坡问题进行分析计算。
4 、可以分析计算有孔隙水压问题的对象。
5 、加固措施可以直接施加在计算断面上,甚至可以根据输入参数分析锚固段所需长度的问题。
6 、对于均质土可以十分完美的搜索出最不利滑裂圆弧,对于其它问题也可以搜索最不利滑面。
7 、在中国已应用十几年,在北美已应用几十年,积累了大量的应用经验。

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SLOPE/W is a software product that uses limit equilibrium theory to compute the factor of safety of earth and rock slopes. The comprehensive formulation of SLOPE/W makes it possible to easily analyze both simple and complex slope stability problems using a variety of methods to calculate the factor of safety. SLOPE/W has application in the analysis and design for geotechnical, civil, and mining engineering projects.

SLOPE/W is a 32-bit, graphical software product that operates under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP. The common "look and feel" of Windows applications makes it easy to learn how to use SLOPE/W, especially if you are already familiar with the Windows environment.

Essential Stability Features
SLOPE/W Basic Edition has the essential features for solving slope stability analyses, including:

Ordinary, Bishop, Janbu Simplified, Spencer, Morgenstern-Price and GLE methods
Many trial slip surface shapes including circular, composite, any fully specified shape, and block shapes with three linear segments.
Pore-water pressure conditions specified using a piezometric line.
Use up to ten soil layers.
Soil strength specified as undrained, cohesive and frictional, no strength, or impenetrable.
Ground surface surcharge pressures.
Concentrated line loads.
Two tension crack methods.
Horizontal and vertical seismic coefficients.
Finite Element Integration
SLOPE/W Basic Edition also includes the free GEO-SLOPE Office Student Edition. Run a finite element analysis in the Student Edition and use the results to enhance your SLOPE/W Basic Edition analysis. For example,

Compute pore-water pressures for your stability analysis by first running a seepage analysis with SEEP/W Student Edition.
Compute stresses for your stability analysis by first running a finite element linear elastic stress analysis with SIGMA/W Student Edition.
Model earthquake effects on stability by first running a dynamic earthquake analysis with QUAKE/W Student Edition.

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FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:13:35


专业的地下水渗流分析软件 SEEP/W

GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: SEEP/W专业的地下水渗流分析软件

      SEEP/W用于地下渗流分析,是一个有限元分析软件,分析地下渗流及含水孔压力分散集中,使用SEEP/W您可分析从简单的饱合稳态到复杂的不饱和时变。在 SEEP/W 模块中,通过渗流有限元计算,可以分析边坡在不均匀饱和条件、非饱和条件下的孔隙水压力,也可以对边坡稳定时的瞬态孔隙水压力研究。通过瞬态分析,可以得出不同时刻不同点的孔隙水压力状况。通过对孔隙水压力随时间变化的结果分析,可以研究边坡、路堤稳定性与时间的关系。在分析水中介质扩散转移问题时水流速度是其中关键因素之一,通过 SEEP/W 模块可得出水的流速,然后在 CTRAN/W 模块中通过计算的水流速度可研究分析水中介质扩散转移。




SEEP/W is a finite element software product that can be used to model the movement and pore-water pressure distribution within porous materials such as soil and rock. Its comprehensive formulation makes it possible to analyze both simple and highly complex seepage problems. SEEP/W has application in the analysis and design for geotechnical, civil, hydrogeological, and mining engineering projects.

SEEP/W is a 32-bit, graphical software product that operates under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP. The common "look and feel" of Windows applications makes it easy to learn how to use SEEP/W, especially if you are already familiar with the Windows environment.

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FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:14:35


三维渗流分析软件 Seep3D

GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: Seep3D三维渗流分析软件

      Seep3D 有很强的交互模式去建模分析计算三维饱和、不饱和地下水问题。使用Seep3D, 您能迅速分析各种各样的地下水流程问题。




For 3D finite element seepage analysis

Seep3D brings the power of interactive 3D design to the world of saturated / unsaturated groundwater modeling. Using Seep3D, you can quickly analyze a wide variety of groundwater flow problems. Construct your geometry one block at a time using Seep3D? interactive building block approach. Specify material properties and boundary conditions on the geometry. Solve the analysis, and then visualize your
results in 3D as surface contours, flow vectors and flow lines. Create graphical plots, and use Seep3D? powerful data extraction tools to quickly pinpoint any computed value. Using Seep3D, you can extend your analysis of regional groundwater flow to include specific structural geometry such as reservoirs and dams, flow cutoff barriers, individual seepage drains or wells, combinations of side and down-slope flows, and infiltration and flow in waste barrier systems. All of these items can even be combined into a single model. Seep3D is the first geotechnical analysis product in the GeoStudio software family. Seep3D is available now.
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FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:15:45


岩土应力应变分析软件 SIGMA/W

GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: SIGMA/W岩土应力应变分析软件

SIGMA/W是一款基于有限元法的岩土工程应力应变分析软件, 使用SIGMA/W您可分析从简单的变形问题到复杂的沙质条件如线性弹塑性,非均匀弹塑性,非线性,黏土等,您可与SEEP/W搭配联合使用.

有很多岩土问题不仅要计算稳定度,还希望进行应力应变分析, SIGA/W 模块可以执行线弹性变形分析、高度复杂的非线性弹塑性有效应力分析,与 SEEP/W 组合应用,可模拟外荷载作用下,孔隙水压的产生、消散过程进行固结分析。
SIGMA/W 分析实质上是求解平衡方程,而 SEEP/W 分析是求解连续方程。两种分析结合起来可以同时求解方程,可得出变形和孔隙水压力随时间的变化。同时运行 SEEP/W 和 SIGMA/W 模块可完全实现两种分析结合。
在 SIGMA/W 模块中,可以模拟加载在地基里面产生的超孔隙水压力,可对施工前后边坡的稳定性进行分析,有助于决定加固措施。
在 SIGMA/W 模块中所计算的在加载过程产生的超孔隙水压力,可在 SEEP/W 模块中分析其消散所需时间。这有助于分析加载频率。
在 SIGMA/W 模块中可选用加载频率或非线性土体模型来分析与估计静压力,将可用作 QUAKE/W 模块中的初始静压力进行动态分析。

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SIGMA/W is a finite element software product that can be used to perform stress and deformation analyses of earth structures. Its comprehensive formulation makes it possible to analyze both simple and highly complex problems. For example, you can perform a simple linear elastic deformation analysis or a highly sophisticated nonlinear elastic-plastic effective stress analysis. When coupled with SEEP/W, (another GEO-SLOPE software product), it can also model the pore-water pressure generation and dissipation in a soil structure in response to external loads. SIGMA/W has application in the analysis and design for geotechnical, civil, and mining engineering projects.

SIGMA/W is a 32-bit, graphical software product that operates under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP. The common "look and feel" of Windows applications makes it easy to learn how to use SIGMA/W, especially if you are already familiar with the Windows environment.

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FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:16:50


地震应力应变分析软件 QUAKE/W

GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: QUAKE/W地震应力应变分析软件
      地震对地面建筑物产生的内力对其稳定性有很大影响,震动可产生超孔隙水压力。应用 QUAKE/W地震应力应变分析软件,在边坡分析中动应力和其产生的孔隙水压力可一起考虑,可很好研究地震对地面建筑稳定和变形的影响。 在 QUAKE/W 模块中计算的地震引起的超孔隙水压力,通过应用 SEEP/W 模块可以分析其消散所需时间。地震波引起的超孔隙水压力的消散在震后可导致固结变形的发生,可能对建筑物和边坡稳定性产生影响。利用 SEEP/W 和 SIGMA/W 模块,对 QUAKE/W 模块计算的孔隙水压力的分析,可以模拟震后的固结变形。

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for finite element dynamic earthquake analysis

QUAKE/W is a finite element software product for the dynamic analysis of earth structures subjected to earthquake shaking. QUAKE/W is particularly well suited to analyzing the dynamic behavior of earth embankment dams, natural soil and rock slopes, and any natural, near-horizontal ground sites with potential for excess pore-water pressure generation during earthquake shaking.

QUAKE/W is a 32-bit, graphical software product that operates under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP. The common "look and feel" of Windows applications makes it easy to learn how to use QUAKE/W, especially if you are already familiar with the Windows environment.

QUAKE/W is a general finite element software product for the dynamic analysis of geotechnical engineering structures. The main focus is on the dynamic behavior of earth structures subjected to earthquake shaking.The following are some typical cases that can be analyzed using QUAKE/W.

Loose Soil Deposits

The most common application of QUAKE/W is to analyze the dynamic behavior of earth structures subject to earthquake shaking. The earthquake excitation can be horizontal or vertical or both horizontal and vertical.
The most common situations are natural earth slopes, man-made embankments, and loose ground deposits that are relatively flat lying. Figure 1.1 shows a typical case of a horizontal soil deposit. The main issues are the peak motions that may occur on the ground surface and the potential excess pore-pressures that may develop and lead to liquefaction. In a case like this, it is sometimes adequate to just analyze a column, such as the one highlighted in the following figure.


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FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:17:56


地热分析软件 TEMP/W


GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: TEMP/W 地热分析软件

      TEMP/W 是一款采用有限元法来模拟由于环境的改变或建筑物、管道施工引起的温度场改变的分析软件,它已经应用于需考虑冻熔循环工况设施的分析与设计中。TEMP/W可让您分析稳态热传问题及瞬时间的冰雪融化问题. 用户可定义未凝固的水函数,潜热吸收及释放及冰相水相的变化。

TEMP/W is a finite element software product that can be used to model the thermal changes in the ground due to environmental changes or due to the construction of facilities such as buildings or pipelines. The comprehensive formulation makes it possible to analyze both simple and highly complex geothermal problems. TEMP/W has application in the analysis and design of facilities that are subjected to freezing and thawing temperature changes.

TEMP/W is a 32-bit, graphical software product that operates under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP. The common "look and feel" of Windows applications makes it easy to learn how to use TEMP/W, especially if you are already familiar with the Windows environment.


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FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:19:23


地下水污染物弥散分析软件 CTRAN/W


GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: CTRAN/W地下水污染物弥散分析软件

       CTRAN/W 是一款采用有限元法来模拟污染物在岩土中的扩散过程的模块,它可以根据水流的运动分析简单介质相应的轨迹,也可以分析复杂的过程如:扩散、传播、吸收、放射性衰退和密度相关性问题。它和另外的模块 SEEP/W 组合应用可以利用 SEEP/W 计算的流速场计算溶解物在孔隙水中的运动。在密度对流动的依赖性方面,水的流速由溶解度控制,反过来水速也影响溶解的进行,故 SEEP/W 和 CTRAN/W 相互关联。与SEEP/W联合使用,做为污染物传送的模型,您使用CTRAN/W可分析从简单的移动水流之粒子追踪到复杂之扩散,吸收及放射衰竭等现象。可以从 SEEP/W 模块到 CTRAN/W 模块中进行流速转换也可从 CTRAN/W 模块到 SEEP/W 模块中转换溶解度,这使得可以对密度对流动的依赖性进行分析。

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CTRAN/W is a finite element software product that can be used to model the movement of contaminants through porous materials such as soil and rock. The comprehensive formulation of CTRAN/W makes it possible to analyze problems varying from simple particle tracking in response to the movement of water, to complex processes involving diffusion, dispersion, adsorption, radioactive decay and density dependencies.

CTRAN/W is integrated with SEEP/W, another GEO-SLOPE software product that computes the flow velocity for a problem. CTRAN/W utilizes the SEEP/W flow velocities to compute the movement of dissolved constituents in the pore-water. CTRAN/W can only be used in conjunction with SEEP/W.

CTRAN/W operates under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, and XP. The common "look" and "feel" of Windows applications makes it easy to learn how to use CTRAN/W, especially if you are already familiar with the Windows environment.


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FEAnet 发表于 2005-5-2 16:20:29


综合渗流蒸发区分析软件 VADOSE/W

GEO-SLOPE公司GeoStudio系列软件: VADOSE/W综合渗流蒸发区分析软件

VADOSE/W 是一款革命性的软件,可以模拟环境变化、蒸发、表水、渗流及地下水对某个区或对象的影响。应用 VADOSE/W ,可以分析下类问题:
1 、设计和监测矿山、市政废弃物的单层或多层土壤问题;
2 、自然斜坡、路堤中气候对孔隙水压分布的影响,藉此,进一步分析其稳定度的变化;
3 、分析农业、灌溉项目中的蒸发、渗流及扩散相关的综合问题;
4 、预测氧气或氡气及污染物在渗流区的扩散问题。

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VADOSE/W vadose zone & soil cover analysis

VADOSE/W is an innovative software product linking the environment, the ground surface, the vadose zone and the local groundwater regime. Using VADOSE/W, you can analyze flux boundary problems such as:

The design and performance monitoring of single or multi-layered soil covers over mine and municipal waste facilities
Determining climate controlled pore-water pressure distributions on natural slopes for use in stability analyses
Determining infiltration, evaporation and transpiration from agricultural or irrigation projects
Predicting oxygen or radon gas diffusion and decay through the vadose zone
Computing the surface flux boundary
The key to modeling the vadose zone is the ability to predict an accurate surface boundary condition. VADOSE/W computes this by coupling ground heat, mass and vapor flow with actual climate data.
VADOSE/W extends the concepts found in the popular SoilCover?program into two dimensions. Critical to the formulation of VADOSE/W is its ability to predict actual evaporation as a function of the soil water stress state. It is not enough to base the evaporation calculation on soil water content, drying time, or empirical user-defined relationships. Instead, VADOSE/W uses the rigorous Penman-Wilson method to compute actual evaporation as a function of soil water pressure, a stress state variable. It is the only 2D product using this unique, state-of-the-art approach.

To compute accurate flux boundaries in the vadose zone, VADOSE/W accounts for precipitation, evaporation, snow accumulation, snow melt, surface water runoff, ponding, groundwater seepage, ground freezing and thawing, and actual plant transpiration. Climate parameters can be user-specified or imported from the 41-site global climate database included in VADOSE/W. All climate data can be custom scaled to fit your specific geographic location.
complete modeling solution
VADOSE/W utilizes the same easy-to-use, CAD-like interface found in GEO-SLOPE's popular Office suite of geotechnical software. Viewing the results in this colorful Windows-based environment greatly helps you to interpret, understand and present your work.

To ensure you get the most out of this powerful tool, GEO-SLOPE will include a full day of expert services free for a limited time with each purchase of VADOSE/W. You can consult directly with highly skilled engineers to help you get started modeling your specific evaporative flux problem.

More Information:

mygeotech 发表于 2005-5-2 16:35:34



landslide 发表于 2005-5-4 00:25:16



孤独的风 发表于 2005-5-4 08:29:39



yingjie328 发表于 2005-5-4 08:29:47



eric1120 发表于 2005-5-17 13:43:41



xy_fzm 发表于 2005-5-17 17:03:58

starsmoon 发表于 2005-5-17 17:51:10



zuoguangzhou 发表于 2005-5-30 20:46:28

zjt622 发表于 2005-6-19 07:54:42



Antstone 发表于 2005-7-1 09:16:51



wqe 发表于 2005-7-7 23:41:46


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