glin 发表于 2008-9-11 17:04:57



Pheigoe 发表于 2008-9-11 21:39:55

To create a moment:
1. Select the create sub-panel.

2. Use the switch to choose the entities to apply the force to: nodes, points, sets or comps.

In any case, the moments are applied to nodes; this selection simply determines how those nodes are selected.Geometric points select the nodes at which they exist.Comps select all of the nodes contained within the chosen component.

If you choose comps or sets, HyperMesh draws the moments using a single indicator.As a result, a new button called display appears.This allows you to indicate where in the model you wish the indicator to be drawn, and requires these additional steps:

- Click display.

- Pick a location in your model, or click display again to specify x, y, z coordinates.

3. Indicate the nodes where you want to place moments by picking them on your model, or click nodes and choose the nodes from the extended entity selection menu.   

4. Click the toggle to create the moment in the global system or the local system.

- If you select local system, click system and enter the ID of the desired system.   

5. Specify the magnitude and direction of the moment in one of several ways.Each method is chosen from the upper of two adjacent switches.

- To specify the direction and magnitude of the moment by typing in the moment components, type in the x, y, and z values of the components.

- If you want to use the vector magnitude method, type in a magnitude, then use the plane and vector selector to specify the vector along which the moment should act.

- If you select the curve, vector option (for moments that are time-dependent), specify a magnitude (y-scale) for the curve.Next, click the curve field twice to select from a list and then use the plane and vector selector to specify a direction, if necessary.Finally, specify a factor for the curve’s xscale.This allows you to use the same curve for many different cases, but vary the scale of its intensity or time to match the needs of your current force.

- If you choose the curve, components option, type in the X, Y, and Z components to define the direction and magnitude--for example, (2,2,2) will be twice the magnitude of (1,1,1).Next, click the curve field twice to select from a list.Finally, specify a factor for the curve’s xscale.This allows you to use the same curve for many different cases, but vary the scale of its intensity or time to match your current needs.

- If you choose to define the moment via an equation, type the equation into the text box.Optionally, you can also use the plane and vector selector to specify a direction, and select the coordinate system to which the vector corresponds.   

- To interpolate moments from a saved file or existing loads, select linear interpolation (Note that linear interpolation only works with shell elements).You can then select the desired nodes to which you wish to add loads, and pick 3 or more existing loads that enclose those nodes.When you interpolate, HyperMesh uses a linear function to create additional loads on the selected nodes, with magnitudes based on the magnitudes of the loads that you had selected:

The search radius is a search distance to find the loads which are within that distance from a centroid or node on which a load is being interpolated. HyperMesh uses the nearest 3 loads located within that distance to create the load at the centroid or node by linear interpolation. Linear interpolation uses a triangulation method, so if it finds fewer than 3 loads within that distance no interpolation takes place. While reading the initial loads from a file, if linear interpolation is not possible because the search radius is too small, the original loads are simply applied to the nearest centroid or node.

- To interpolate and extrapolate moments from existing loads, select field loads.You can then select the desired nodes to which you wish to add loads, and any existing loads on which you wish to base additional forces.When you create, HyperMesh uses a complex function to create additional loads on all of the selected nodes, with magnitudes based on the magnitudes of the loads that you had selected.

Note that this version differs from linear interpolation both in the way that the load magnitudes are determined, and also in the fact that it can be applied to nodes outside the boundaries of the chosen existing loads.

[ 本帖最后由 Pheigoe 于 2008-9-11 21:41 编辑 ]

glin 发表于 2008-9-11 22:09:36


ujs505 发表于 2009-3-30 11:25:51


ishow 发表于 2009-4-26 15:01:36


hqt6011 发表于 2009-4-30 14:47:11


chasingtime 发表于 2009-7-11 12:03:35


c_u 发表于 2009-7-14 11:18:40


xuhurt 发表于 2009-8-23 18:59:46


justice1984 发表于 2009-9-30 09:44:35


wangxz0377 发表于 2009-10-17 16:23:29


417332551 发表于 2010-8-26 18:29:18


yufenfei 发表于 2010-9-13 08:22:44


chai444444 发表于 2010-9-18 08:57:23


464268421 发表于 2011-5-12 19:37:52


deeplove 发表于 2011-5-16 19:28:36

thanks for the answer and it is correct and useful.

yukey 发表于 2011-7-28 00:21:48


a570888399 发表于 2011-9-6 22:17:52


pannibeibei 发表于 2011-10-16 10:56:45

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查看完整版本: 在optistruct里怎么添加一个随时间变化的扭矩呢