qiuqiulanlan 发表于 2010-9-21 10:35:15

ICEM error

Hi, everybody. Here is my problem when i tried to mesh the surface. When i'd finished computing surface mesh using patch dependent method, I checked and foundtwo curves forming a sharp angle. Knowing that the two curves have no influence on connectivity between surfaces,I wanted to delete them. By this time, a spread sheet was popped up saying "an internal error has occured: syntax error in expression 'emethod':variable references require preceding$...." What does this mean? Why it happens every time I perform this practice? What can I do then?
Many thanks!

qiuqiulanlan 发表于 2010-9-21 10:59:43

我用ICEM划分面网格后,发现有两条边形成sharp angle,我想把这两条边删除。这时出现“syntax error in expression 'emethod':vaiable references require preceding $” 每回总是这样,为什么呢?
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