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发表于 2004-10-28 15:27:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏南京

FLAC3D(Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua)由美国Itasca公司开发的。目前,FLAC有二维和三维计算程序两个版本,二维计算程序V3.0以前的为DOS版本,V2.5版本仅仅能够使用计算机的基本内存(64K),所以,程序求解的最大结点数仅限于2000个以内。1995年,FLAC2D已升级为V3.3的版本,其程序能够使用护展内存。因此,大大发护展了计算规模。FLAC3D是一个三维有限差分程序,目前已发展到V2.1版本。
FLAC3D是二维的有限差分程序FLAC2D的护展,能够进行土 质、岩石和其它材料的三维结构受力特性模拟和塑性流动分析。调整三维网格中的多面体单元来拟合实际的结构。单元材料可采用线性或非线性本构模型,在外力作用下,当材料发生屈服流动后,网格能够相应发变形和移动(大变形模式)。FLAC3D采用的显式拉格朗日算法和混合-离散分区技术能够非常准确发模拟材料的塑性破坏和流动。由于无须形成刚度矩阵,因此,基于较小内存空间就能够求解大范围的三维问题。FLAC3D采用ANSI C++语言编写的。

1 对模拟塑性破坏和塑性流动采用的是“混合离散法“。这种方法比有限元法中通常采用的“离散集成法“更为准确、合理。
2 即使模拟的系统是静态的,仍采用了动态运动方程,这使得FLAC3D在模拟物理上的不稳定过程不存在数值上的障碍。
3 采用了一个“显式解“方案。因此,显式解方案对非线性的应力-应变关系的求解所花费的时间,几互与线性本构关系相同,而隐式求解方案将会花费较长的时间求解非线性问题。面且,它没有必要存储刚度矩阵,这就意味着采用中等容量的内存可以求解多单元结构;模拟大变形问题几互并不比小变形问题多消耗更多的计算时间,因为没有任何刚度矩阵要被修改。

1 对于线性问题的求解,FLAC3D比有限元程序运行得要慢;因此,当进行大变形非线性问题或模拟实际可能出现不稳定问题时,FLAC3D是最有效的工具。
2 用FLAC3D求解时间取决于最长的自然周期和最短的自然周期之比。但某些问题对模型是无效的。

1. 开挖模型null
2. 3个弹性模型(各向同性,横观各向同性和正交各向同性弹性模型)
3. 6个塑性模型(Drucker-Prager模型、Morh-Coulomb模型、应变硬化/软化模型、遍布节理模型、双线性应变硬化/软化遍布节理模型和修正的剑桥模型)。



与大多数程序采用数据输入方式不同,FLAC采用的是命令驱动方式。命令字控制着程序的运行。在必要时,尤其是绘图,还可以启动FLAc用户交互式图形界面。为了建立FLAC计算模型,必须进 行以下三个方面的工作:
1. 有限差分网格
2. 本构特性与材料性质
3. 边界条件与初始条件
完成上述工作后,可以获 得模型的初始平衡状态,也就是模拟开挖前的原岩应力状态。然后,进行工程开挖或改变边界条件来进行工程的响应分析,类似于FLAC的显式有限差分程序的问题求解。与传统的隐式求解程序不同,FLAC采用一种显式的时间步来求解代数方程。进行一系列计算步后达到问题的解。

END:Summary of New Features in FLAC3D Version 2.1:
1. New fluid-flow logic with phreatic surface calculation
2. Addition of double-yield constitutive model for volumetric yielding
3. User-defined constitutive models in C++, loaded at run-time
4. Conversion to Visual C++ compiler
5. Linking FLAC3D to other Itasca codes via TCP/IP connection
6. New printing/output facilities (BMP, JPEG, DXF, PCX)
7. New SOLVE FOS command automatically performs factor-of-safety calculations for slopes and similar problems
8. Modification to Finn model for dynamic pore pressure generation
9. Implementation of Von Neumann and Landshoff artificial viscosity terms
10. Addition of liner and geogrid structural elements
11. Improvement of calculation for stress resultants in Structural Elements upgrade to facilitate use of structural elements, including additional example applications in manual
12. Extension to pile elements to simulate effect of rockbolt reinforcement
13. Additional FISH functions to assist access to FLAC3D variables
14. Revised and expanded user's manual with several new examples and verification problems
15. New creep models:Burger viscoelastic and viscoplastic models and power-law viscoplastic model
发表于 2004-10-28 16:08:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京


FLAC3D 3.0 pre-release has the following new features:
All calculations and data are double precision floating point numbers.

FLAC3D v3.0 runs approximately 10-15% faster than v2.10.

Hysteretic Damping

A new damping facility for dynamic calculations, hysteretic damping, is now available in FLAC3D 3.0. This form of damping allows strain-dependent modulus and damping functions to be incorporated directly into the FLAC3D simulation. This makes it possible for direct comparisons between calculations made with the equivalent-linear method and a fully nonlinear model, without any compromises in the choice of constitutive model.

In addition, the need to introduce additional damping, such as Rayleigh damping, is greatly reduced, and consequently the solution time is substantially reduced, by using hysteretic damping.

See the "Examples" section below for support documentation.

Hoek-Brown Constitutive Model

The Hoek-Brown failure criterion is implemented as a built-in constitutive model in FLAC3D 3.0. The failure surface is nonlinear and is based on the relation between the major and minor principal stresses. The model incorporates a plasticity flow rule that varies as a function of the confining stress level. Documentation/examples for this feature are forthcoming.

Thermal/Fluid Advection Model

FLAC3D already performs transient simulations of a nonlinear solid coupled to porous-media fluid flow and of heat conduction in a solid, coupled mechanically to the solid and fluid. This new development adds temperature-dependent fluid density and thermal advection in the fluid. Documentation/examples for this feature are forthcoming.

Ability to read 3DShop-KUBRIX generated grids

3DShop-KUBRIX is a powerful solids modeling and hexahedral grid generation package that will be available soon through Itasca. FLAC3D gridding primitives are still available, however 3DShop greatly simplifies the construction of complex geometries. Grids created by 3Dshop can be directly read into FLAC3D 3.0. 3DShop is currently in beta testing and does not have a set release date. If you would like information regarding this optional addition for FLAC3D, please contact Reza Taghavi.

Movie command

FLAC3D can now produce AVI and DCX movies. Documentation/examples for this feature are forthcoming.

Particle tracking

Particles can now be released into a flow field and their paths can be recorded and plotted. Documentation/examples for this feature are forthcoming.

In addition, FLAC3D 3.0 will contain the following new features:
[These are not yet available in the pre-release version]

Network key license version
Hydration model for simulation of curing of concrete
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