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[问题] 请问一个Error讯息..

发表于 2006-4-16 02:06:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 台湾
我用的元素是结构183,当我作完一个制程后,利用 Birth&death 使另一个材料 复活,要继续给予另一组边界条件求解,可是每当一按slove,就会出现以下讯息...mesh已确认过了,材料参数也从随温度变化改成只有室温的性质,还是都会如此....请问要如何做才能继续求解呢??  谢谢~~

*** ERROR ***                       
One or more elements have become highly distorted.  Excessive           
distortion of elements is usually a symptom indicating the need for     
corrective action elsewhere.  Try incrementing the load more slowly     
(increase the number of substeps or decrease the time step size).  You  
may need to improve your mesh to obtain elements with better aspect     
ratios.  Also consider the behavior of materials, contact pairs,        
and/or constraint equations.  If this message appears in the first      
iteration of first substep, be sure to perform element shape checking.
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