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Need help : Hyperelastic+Hyperfoam+Viscoelatic material

发表于 2006-9-22 10:56:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 澳大利亚
Hi, Forum

First, I am so glad to find this nice place. Currently, I have encountered some problems with my project that may need your help

The material to be modeled is consisting of three parts: inner core (rubber/cork mixture), casing cork layer wounded with yarn and the leather cover. As this composite structure will be subject to impact simulation, therefore local large strain will be expected.

My supervisor ask me to model those components respectively, so what I’m gonna do is to model those components separately and assembly them as a whole.

Some raw thoughts: For the inner core my choice is Hyperelastic+ viscoelastic or Hyperelastic + hysteretic as energy loses must be account.
The cork layer: Hyperfoam+ viscoelastic
The leather cover: elastic+ viscoelastic ?
I’ve noticed that some investigators were using SHPB to capture the dynamic response of those soft materials. However this seems impossible for me.
My questions are:

1.        For the leather part I am not sure the material model? And I didn’t find any FEM modeling against leather.

2.        What exactly model could you advise me for Hyperelastic, e.g. MR, Neo, BB, etc.

3.        If dynamic experiment is necessary what else experiment can I choose except SHPB? Any other suggestions?

4.        For the visco property (used to characterize the energy loose). What experiments should I do? Should I do creep or relaxation test at a very high strain rate? How could this happen?

5.        For viscoelastic, according to ABAQUS manual, it says both Long-term and short–term could be applied for, then what should I choose?

6.        As strain rate is an essential consideration for this case. Is it possible for me to do some quasi-static experiments as a start point then manually tune it to fit the physical test curve (e.g. dropping force-deflection graph)? If this could be applied then the approach would be:

Please also note: The software adopted here is ABAQUS and I am only can do some Uniaxial tests. I’ve done some dropping test (as a whole ) already and gained the force-deflection curve including hysteretic loop.
Thanks for any help in advance !
发表于 2023-3-12 18:42:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国
Nice question ! Have you fixed them yet ?
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