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发表于 2007-4-27 01:20:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 台湾


0***** process error reported by subroutine   xdslvv
       see    xdslvv abstract (ier =  -400)

0***** process error reported by subroutine   xdslvf
       see    xdslvf abstract (ier =  -400)

*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =   90375.641   TIME= 05:11:01
Sparse Matrix Solver failure.  Please check the error file for         
possible causes.                                                        

*** ERROR ***     SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =   90375.641   TIME= 05:11:01
Bisection may be activated if it is a nonlinear analysis.               

*** WARNING ***   SUPPRESSED MESSAGE    CP =   90375.641   TIME= 05:11:01
The unconverged solution (identified as time 212890 substep 999999) is  
output for analysis debug purposes.  Results should not be used for     
any other purpose.                                                      

*** FATAL ***                           CP =   90375.641   TIME= 05:11:01
This model requires more scratch space than available, currently        
34770009 words ( 133 MB).  ANSYS was not able to allocate more memory   
to proceed.  Please shut down other applications that may be running   
or increase the virtual memory on your system and rerun ANSYS.         
Problem terminated.
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