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[工程实例] Pile-Supported Highway Embankment 若干问题

发表于 2011-9-2 15:01:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 四川成都
flac2d 5.0中例题“Pile-Supported Highway Embankment”
Project Record Tree export
;Titleiled Embankment
;... State: p1.sav ....
config gwflow
grid 60,45
gen 0.0,-40.0 0.0,-15.0 30.0,-15.0 30.0,-40.0 ratio 1.0,0.9 i 1 31 j 1 16
gen 0.0,-15.0 0.0,3.0 30.0,3.0 30.0,-15.0 i 1 31 j 16 46
gen 30.0,-40.0 30.0,-15.0 80.0,-15.0 80.0,-40.0 ratio 1.02,0.9 &
i 31 61 j 1 16
gen 30.0,-15.0 30.0,3.0 80.0,3.0 80.0,-15.0 ratio 1.02,1.0 i 31 61 j 16 46
model elastic i 1 60 j 1 45
save p1.sav

;... State: p2.sav ....
gen line 11.75,3.0 20.75,0.0
gen line 0.0,-9.0 20.0,-5.0
gen line 0.0,-12.0 20.0,-10.5
mark i 21 61 j 41
mark i 20 61 j 32
mark i 20 61 j 23
mark i 1 20 j 41
model null i 21 j 41 45
model null i 20 j 42 45
model null i 19 j 42 45
model null i 18 j 43 45
model null i 17 j 43 45
model null i 16 j 44 45
model null i 15 j 44 45
model null i 14 j 45
model null region 45 43
gen line 0.0,2.5 11.0,2.5
ini x 12.543801 y 2.0714378 i 13 j 44
ini x 13.681461 y 1.5236754 i 14 j 43
ini x 15.619698 y 0.84950686 i 16 j 42
ini x 14.187088 y 1.3551335 i 15 j 43
ini x 16.336002 y 0.63882875 i 17 j 42
save p2.sav

;... State: p3.sav ....
group ’silty sand’ region 55 5
model mohr group ’silty sand’
prop density=1620.0 bulk=1.2499999E7 shear=5770000.0 cohesion=0.0 &
friction=32.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’silty sand’
group ’very soft clay’ region 59 29
model mohr group ’very soft clay’
prop density=582.0 bulk=1669999.9 shear=172000.0 cohesion=5000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’very soft clay’
group ’muck’ region 58 36
model mohr group ’muck’
prop density=231.0 bulk=5.0002132E6 shear=100066.7 cohesion=3500.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’muck’
group ’foamed concrete1’ i 1 17 j 41
model mohr group ’foamed concrete1’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete1’
group ’foamed concrete2’ i 1 15 j 42
model mohr group ’foamed concrete2’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete2’
group ’foamed concrete3’ i 1 13 j 43
model mohr group ’foamed concrete3’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete3’
group ’foamed concrete4’ i 1 12 j 44
model mohr group ’foamed concrete4’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete4’
group ’earth fill’ i 20 j 41
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 19 j 41
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 18 j 41
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 18 j 42
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 17 j 42
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 16 j 42
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 16 j 43
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 14 15 j 43
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ notnull i 13 14 j 44 45
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
group ’earth fill’ i 1 12 j 45
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
prop por=0.3 k11=2.83E-9 k22=9.44E-10 group ’foamed concrete1’
prop por=0.3 k11=2.83E-9 k22=9.44E-10 group ’foamed concrete2’
prop por=0.3 k11=2.83E-9 k22=9.44E-10 group ’foamed concrete3’
prop por=0.3 k11=2.83E-9 k22=9.44E-10 group ’foamed concrete4’
prop por=0.3 k11=2.83E-9 k22=9.44E-10 group ’earth fill’
prop por=0.3 k11=2.83E-9 k22=9.44E-10 group ’silty sand’
prop por=0.8 k11=3.54E-13 k22=1.17E-13 group ’very soft clay’
prop por=0.9 k11=3.53E-12 k22=1.18E-12 group ’muck’
save p3.sav
;... State: p4.sav ....
model null group ’earth fill’
model null group ’foamed concrete4’
model null group ’foamed concrete3’
model null group ’foamed concrete2’
model null group ’foamed concrete1’
fix x y i 1 61 j 1
fix x i 61 j 1 41
fix x i 1 j 1 41
set gravity=9.81
water bulk 2e4
water density=1000.0
set echo off
call Ininv.fis
set wth=0.0 k0x=0.5 k0z=0.5
history 999 unbalanced
save p4.sav
此时地基(包括muck,very soft clay,silty sand)仍均为M-C材料,按照M-C材料进行初始应力计算?为什么不采用model elastic?

;** Branch: Unsupported ***
;... State: p5.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete1’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999936E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete1’
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 18 j 41 42
fix saturation i 1 18 j 41 42
set flow=off
water bulk=2.0E8
set =large
fix x i 1 j 41 42
history 1 ydisp i=1, j=41
history 2 ydisp i=6, j=41
history 3 ydisp i=12, j=41
history 4 ydisp i=17, j=41
history 5 gpp i=1, j=40
history 8 gpp i=1, j=30
history 9 gpp i=1, j=23
history 10 gpp i=1, j=14
initial xdis 0.0 ydis 0.0
save p5.sav

;... State: p6.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete2’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999936E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete2’
fix x i 1 j 42 43
fix saturation i 1 16 j 42 43
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 16 j 42 43
save p6.sav

;... State: p7.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete3’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999936E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete3’
fix x i 1 j 43 44
fix saturation i 1 15 j 43 44
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 14 j 43 44
save p7.sav

;... State: p8.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete4’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete4’
fix x i 1 j 44 45
fix saturation i 1 13 j 44 45
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 13 j 44 45
save p8.sav

;... State: p9.sav ....
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
fix x i 1 j 45 46
fix saturation i 1 19 j 42 46
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 20 j 42 46
save p9.sav

;... State: p10.sav ....
apply pressure 11500.0 from 1,46 to 12,46
save p10.sav

;... State: FoSmode.fsv ....
;FoS save state:
solve fos file FoSmode.fsv

;** Branch: Pile-supported ***
restore p4.sav
;... State: p11.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete1’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999936E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete1’
struct node 1 1.251,0.01
struct node 2 1.25,-12.8
struct node 3 3.751,0.01
struct node 4 3.75,-12.8
struct node 5 6.251,0.01
struct node 6 6.25,-12.8
struct node 7 8.751,0.01
struct node 8 8.75,-12.8
struct node 9 11.251,0.01
struct node 10 11.25,-12.8
struct node 11 13.751,0.01
struct node 12 13.75,-12.8
struct node 13 16.251,0.01
struct node 14 16.25,-12.8
struct pile begin node 1 end node 2 seg 10 prop 3001
struct pile begin node 3 end node 4 seg 10 prop 3001
struct pile begin node 5 end node 6 seg 10 prop 3001
struct pile begin node 7 end node 8 seg 10 prop 3001
struct pile begin node 9 end node 10 seg 10 prop 3001
struct pile begin node 11 end node 12 seg 10 prop 3001
struct pile begin node 13 end node 14 seg 10 prop 3001
struct prop 1001
struct prop 2001
struct prop 3001
struct prop 3001 e 1E10 radius 0.1524 perimeter 0.976 cs ncoh 0 cs nfric 0 &
cs nstiff 0 cs scoh 0.0 cs sstiff 0.0 cs sfric 0 spacing 2.5
struct prop 3002 e 1E10 radius 0.1524 cs scoh 2500000.0 cs sstiff 1e9 per &
0.976 spacing 2.5
struct prop 3002 cs ncoh 0 cs nstiff 0
struct chprop 3002 range 70 70
struct chprop 3002 range 60 60
struct chprop 3002 range 50 50
struct chprop 3002 range 40 40
struct chprop 3002 range 30 30
struct chprop 3002 range 20 20
struct chprop 3002 range 10 10
struct chprop 3002 range 61 61
struct chprop 3002 range 51 51
struct chprop 3002 range 41 41
struct chprop 3002 range 31 31
struct chprop 3002 range 21 21
struct chprop 3002 range 11 11
struct chprop 3002 range 1 1
water bulk 2e8
set flow off
fix x i 1 j 40 42
save p11.sav

;... State: p12.sav ....
history 1 ydisp i=1, j=41
history 2 ydisp i=6, j=41
history 3 ydisp i=12, j=41
history 4 ydisp i=17, j=41
history 5 gpp i=1 j=40
history 8 gpp i=1 j=30
history 9 gpp i=1 j=23
history 10 gpp i=1 j=14
set large
initial xdis 0.0 ydis 0.0
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 18 j 41 42
fix saturation i 1 18 j 41 42
save p12.sav

;... State: p13.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete2’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete2’
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 16 j 42 43
fix saturation i 1 16 j 42 43
save p13.sav

;... State: p14.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete3’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete3’
fix x i 1 j 43 46
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 19 j 42 46
fix saturation i 1 19 j 42 46
save p14.sav

;... State: p15.sav ....
model mohr group ’foamed concrete4’
prop density=640.0 bulk=2.85999968E8 shear=2.61E8 cohesion=500000.0 &
friction=0.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’foamed concrete4’
fix x i 1 j 43 46
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 19 j 42 46
fix saturation i 1 19 j 42 46
save p15.sav

;... State: p16.sav ....
model mohr group ’earth fill’
prop density=1920.0 bulk=8330000.0 shear=3850000.0 cohesion=2400.0 &
friction=30.0 dilation=0.0 tension=0.0 group ’earth fill’
fix x i 1 j 43 46
initial saturation 0.0 i 1 19 j 42 46
fix saturation i 1 19 j 42 46
save p16.sav

;... State: p17.sav ....
apply pressure 11500.0 from 1,46 to 11,46
save p17.sav

;... State: FoSmode2.fsv ....
;FoS save state:
solve fos no restore file FoSmode2.fsv

;** plot commands ***
;plot name: pore pressure
plot hold pp fill
;plot name: y-disp histories
plot hold history 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 line
;plot name: displacements
plot hold xdisp fill displacement
;plot name: pp histories
plot hold history 5 line 8 line 9 line
;plot name: pile forces
plot hold group struct pile axial fill max 1000000.0
;plot name: FoS
plot hold fos ssi fill velocity

 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-6 07:48:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 四川乐山
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-9-28 16:49:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 四川成都

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