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发表于 2012-2-10 12:18:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 北京
本帖最后由 wanghy.cool 于 2012-2-10 12:24 编辑

PROBLEM B: Camping along the Big Long River
Visitors to the Big Long River (225 miles) can enjoy scenic views and exciting white water rapids. The river is inaccessible to hikers, so the only way to enjoy it is to take a river trip that requires several days of camping. River trips all start at First Launch and exit the river at Final Exit, 225 miles downstream. Passengers take either oar- powered rubber rafts, which travel on average 4 mph or motorized boats, which travel on average 8 mph. The trips range from 6 to 18 nights of camping on the river, start to finish.. The government agency responsible for managing this river wants every trip to enjoy a wilderness experience, with minimal contact with other groups of boats on the river. Currently, X trips travel down the Big Long River each year during a six month period (the rest of the year it is too cold for river trips). There are Y camp sites on the Big Long River, distributed fairly uniformly throughout the river corridor. Given the rise in popularity of river rafting, the park managers have been asked to allow more trips to travel down the river. They want to determine how they might schedule an optimal mix of trips, of varying duration (measured in nights on the river) and propulsion (motor or oar) that will utilize the campsites in the best way possible. In other words, how many more boat trips could be added to the Big Long River’s rafting season? The river managers have hired you to advise them on ways in which to develop the best schedule and on ways in which to determine the carrying capacity of the river, remembering that no two sets of campers can occupy the same site at the same time. In addition to your one page summary sheet, prepare a one page memo to the managers of the river describing your key findings.
到Big Long River(225英里)游玩的游客可以享受那里的风景和振奋人心的急流。远足者没法到达这条河,唯一去的办法是漂流过去。这需要几天的露营。河流旅行始于First Launch,在 Final Exit结束,共225英里的顺流。旅客可以选择依靠船桨来前进的橡皮筏,它的速度是4英里每小时,或者选择8英里每小时的摩托船。旅行从开始到结束包括大约6到18个晚上的河中的露营。负责管理这条河的政府部门希望让每次旅行都能尽情享受野外经历,同时能尽量少的与河中其他的船只相遇。当前,每年经过Big Long河的游客有X组,这些漂流都在一个为期6个月时期内进行,一年中的其他月份非常冷,不会有漂流。在Big Long上有Y处露营地点,平均分布于河廊。随着漂流人数的增加,管理者被要求应该允许让更多的船只漂流。他们要决定如何来安排最优的方案:包括旅行时间(以在河上的夜晚数计算)、选择哪种船(摩托还是桨船),从而能够最好地利用河中的露营地。换句话说,Big Long River在漂流季节还能增加多少漂流旅行数?管理者希望你能给他们最好的建议,告诉他们如何决定河流的容纳量,记住任两组旅行队都不能同时占据河中的露营地。此外,在你的摘要表一页,准备一页给管理者的备忘录,用来描述你的关键发现。
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