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[问题讨论] virtual lab DBEM multidomain 多区域耦合

发表于 2012-6-18 16:27:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏南京
那位大侠可以介绍一下virtual lab DBEM multidomain 多区域耦合问题(主要是内外场耦合),多谢!!!!
发表于 2012-6-18 17:20:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
Acoustic fluid property must be uniform within one domain, but it can be different from one domain to the other. Only one domain can be DBEM exterior, all the others must be DBEM interior. The Interfaces between pairs of domains are defined. A continuity of acoustic pressures and normal velocities are imposed. These interfaces are similar to the wetted surface defined for fluid-structure coupling. All elements and nodes must match to each other up to a specified relative tolerance.
An Acoustic Harmonic Multidomain DBEM allows you to perform analysis of problems involving different fluids such as air and water, air and oil, noise emitted by HVAC ducts etc.
Each acoustic domain constitutes an individual Direct BEM acoustic model with its properties, boundary conditions and sources.
It will be exported to a dedicated SYSNOISE database. A link must be defined in SYSNOISE between all pair of domains that have an interface (similar to fluid structure link in vibro-acoustic response).
Neither acoustic boundary conditions nor sources may be defined on the interface between two domains.
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