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[工程实例分析] 【咨询】测试250次,仿真只能做一次不能准确反映测试,.....

发表于 2013-8-7 10:29:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 广东深圳
比如弯折测试要求 130kgf 正反面各250次,用abaqus准静态仿真做一次弯折得到的应力都不大,但测试进行250次后也有失效的。所以想请教一下,使用fe-safe能否模拟250次的仿真。
& G% `1 Y7 V( A3 Y) U3 w  i我这边的测试一般是重复100~250次,貌似也不在低周疲劳的范围,所以用疲劳软件算是否合理?# h8 s! N( k2 H! ^4 U7 q
若不合理,如何解决这个问题呢?! b* c3 e& _4 o& l+ ^& J# P
发表于 2013-12-14 23:55:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自 美国
本帖最后由 stone08 于 2013-12-15 03:14 编辑 0 R$ {* }0 r- F3 v; u8 r

7 ]$ S  b: t8 Q$ U: N( j6 y1 i1 t& wThe result from FE software is predicting the nominal condiction. Physical testing will only gives you a "mean value"(R50C50). You normally need to adjust your SN curve based on customer's RC spec. (reliability and confidence) to cover the uncertainty (scatterring effect), which is what you described that some of the pieces failed while others did not. Fatigue testing basically can only expressed in a statistical way.
; x! r* m1 c4 \8 B+ _9 Z- ~; s, v% k8 oApplying the FE result (say stress) and coupling with with survival rate (RC) you will get the realistic fatigue life.   a1 C5 A, N4 B  S* P4 S* A
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