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[Acoustics] 模态分析出错

发表于 2017-8-18 13:48:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏常州
=====> START "C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1 LISTING;SHOWCPU;KEEPDIALOG"
@@@CSH:SMGSTG: 1 / 9
@@@CSH:SMGVANBEG: 1 / 9 : Reading Data File
@@@CSH:SMGVFRBEG: 1 / 9 : Lecture des Donnees
Running BACON with lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1
User requested workspace           256000000 words  (  2048 MBytes)
Memory allocation / DB             128000000 /   128000000 words
@@@CSH:SMGINT: PID =     9244 : Current Process ID
Release : 17.1 (17.1-02) - Date : 4-Nov-2015  (LONG INTEGERS)
Graphic driver used: Windows   

>>> Sold-to info: 0001234567 <<<

Input 1>!
Input 1>!                    =====================================
Input 1>!                    Programme   <BACON> : Version 17.1-02
Input 1>!                    =====================================
Input 1>!
Input 1>!
Input 1>MODE M 1
Spy file :  9 - "C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.spy"
Input 1>EXIT
Diagnostics file : 87 - "C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.dia"
  Current accuracy =  1.80000000E-02
%%%INFORMATION-2576%%% (.CLM)
The "MODE VERIFY" check level has been DISABLED. However, it appears that
the current model contains MINDLIN elements.
If,at this moment, it is not possible to check if midside nodes of MINDLIN
elements will really be loaded, it is more carefull to locally enable all
the checks this command is able to do.
So, despite the "MODE VERIFY 0" the user has forced, this command will
continue to work as if the "MODE VERIFY" level was enabled.

Samcef File (Binary) :  3 - "C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.sam"

     1  TITLE      
     2  NODES-.NOE            (.NOE)       1891
     3  ELEMENT-.MAI          (.MAI)       1800
     4  HYPOTHESIS            (.HYP)       1800
     5  FIXATIONS             (.CLM)        180


Saving the auxiliary memory in the DB ...
Saving the rotation matrix in the DB ...
Saving the ABREviations in the DB ...
Saving the release flag in the DB ...
Writing the DB on a binary file ...
DB File     : "C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.sdb"

%%% Statistics on the up to now printed messages%%%
          1 INFORMATION(S)
File size statistics
File name                                                            Size
D... MS\LMS Virtual.Lab 13.6\VirtualLab\Samcef\bin\pilote.dat      179942 Bytes
C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1_ba.w02           18743 Bytes
C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.sam             573840 Bytes
C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.spy                268 Bytes
C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.dat             229178 Bytes
C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.sdb            3734264 Bytes
C:\temp\lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1.dia                652 Bytes
D... s\LMS\LMS Virtual.Lab 13.6\VirtualLab\Samcef\bin\dic.dic      415520 Bytes
D... S\LMS Virtual.Lab 13.6\VirtualLab\Samcef\bin\samcef.proc       81513 Bytes
End of BACON
...TEArun_bacon Done
Running dynam with lms_linear_modal_structural_solution_set_1
@@@CSH:SMGINT: PID =     9436 : Current Process ID
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  1 /  6 : Data Analysis
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  2 /  6 : Element Generation
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  3 /  6 : Frontal Elimination
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  4 /  6 : Vibration Frequency Computation
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  5 /  6 : Vibration Modes Computation
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  6 /  6 : Residual Vectors Computation
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  7 /  6 : Modal Mass Computation
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  8 /  6 : Modal Stresses Computation
@@@CSH:SMGSTG:  9 /  6 : Super-Element Generation
@@@CSH:SMGBEG:  1 /  6 : Data Analysis
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     1 /     4 : Front Width Optimization
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     2 /     4 : Dof Numbering
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     3 /     4 : Substructuring
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     4 /     4 : Resource Estimation
@@@CSH:SMGINT: NBRDDL =    10266 : Number of dof's
@@@CSH:SMGINF: Disk space report for device "C:\"
@@@CSH:SMGREA: DISKFREE =    27650.117 : Free disk space (Mb).
@@@CSH:SMGREA: DISKREQUIRED =      106.000 : Required disk space (Mb).
@@@CSH:SMGEND: -1 /  6 : Data Analysis
@@@CSH:SMGBEG:  2 /  6 : Element Generation
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     1 /  1800 : Elements generated
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:  1800 /  1800 : Elements generated
@@@CSH:SMGREA: TOTSURF%AREA = 7200. : Total surface.
@@@CSH:SMGREA: TOTVOLUME%VOLUME = 14400. : Total volume.
@@@CSH:SMGREA: TOTMASS%MASS = 1.13184E-4 : Total mass.
@@@CSH:SMGEND: -2 /  6 : Element Generation
@@@CSH:SMGBEG:  5 /  6 : Lanczos for sparse matrix.
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     0 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     3 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:     9 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    11 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    18 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    21 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    29 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    32 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    49 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    51 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    56 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    59 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    65 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    68 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    72 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    78 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    80 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:    83 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEVO:   100 /   100 : Factorization %
@@@CSH:SMGEND: -5 /  6 : Lanczos for sparse matrix.
@@@CSH:SMGINT: NBRWRN =        0 : Number of warning(s)
@@@CSH:SMGINT: NBRERR =        1 : Number of error(s)
...TEArun_module Done
@@@CSH:SMGVANERR: No FAC run due to previous module failure
@@@CSH:SMGVFRERR: Pas d'execution FAC suite a un probleme lors du module precedent
@@@CSH:SMGVANERR: No SAMRES run due to previous module failure
@@@CSH:SMGVFRERR: Pas d'execution SAMRES suite a un probleme lors du module precedent
=====> END (Total 46.9 Secs)

发表于 2017-8-19 14:41:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东
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