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[网格划分] Ansys workbench计算报错

发表于 2018-12-3 22:04:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 湖北武汉
/COM,ANSYS RELEASE Release 18.0      BUILD 18.0      UP20161219       10:55:14

*** WARNING ***                         CP =     181.844   TIME= 10:55:48
Element shape checking is currently inactive.  Issue SHPP,ON or         
SHPP,WARN to reactivate, if desired.                                    

*** WARNING ***                         CP =     311.531   TIME= 10:56:38
Contact element 1104226 is missing DOF VOLT (and possibly others) of   
underlying base element 676.  Similar mismatches may exist elsewhere,   
but checking for this is discontinued.                                 

*** WARNING ***                         CP =     320.969   TIME= 10:56:48
Minimum contact depth 4.998002316E-06 is too small which can cause an   
accuracy problem, you may scale the length units in the model.         

*** WARNING ***                         CP =     901.672   TIME= 10:57:57
Coefficient ratio exceeds 1.0e8 - Check results.                        

*** WARNING ***                         CP =    1180.781   TIME= 11:02:04
The Sparse Matrix Solver is currently running in the out-of-core memory
mode.  This memory mode may provide significantly worse performance     
compared to the in-core memory mode, depending on the amount of         
available system memory and I/O speed.  Please monitor the solver      
performance to ensure that the large amount of I/O to the solver files  
does not create a bottleneck for performance.                           

*** ERROR ***                           CP =   88180.141   TIME= 12:24:21
An error has occurred in the Sparse Matrix Solver while factoring the   
matrix.  Error code = 18.  Please send the data leading to this         
operation to your technical support provider, as this will allow        
ANSYS, Inc to improve the program.                                      

*** WARNING ***                         CP =   88184.844   TIME= 12:24:26
During this session the elapsed time exceeds the CPU time by 508%.      
Often this indicates either a lack of physical memory (RAM) required   
to efficiently handle this simulation or it indicates a particularly   
slow hard drive configuration.  This simulation can be expected to run  
faster on identical hardware if additional RAM or a faster hard drive   
configuration is made available.  For more details, please see the      
ANSYS Performance Guide which is part of the ANSYS Help system.         

*** WARNING ***                         CP =   88184.844   TIME= 12:24:26
During this session a solution was performed using 20 CPU cores in      
shared-memory parallel (SMP) mode (-np 20).  It is strongly            
recommended to use distributed memory parallel (DMP) mode instead      
(-dis -np 20).  DMP mode typically outperforms SMP mode, even when      
running on a single system.  For more information, see the ANSYS        
Parallel Processing Guide in the ANSYS Help system.                     
发表于 2018-12-18 08:38:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海闵行区
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