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[INP文件] Element-based surface 基于单元的表面[2]/学习整理

发表于 2021-8-15 21:50:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国
本帖最后由 wrj001 于 2021-8-15 22:30 编辑

Generating the free surface automatically
You can define the facets of a surface by specifying a series of elements. The faces of these elements that are on the exterior (free) surface of the model are included in the surface definition.
When the free surface generation method is used to define surfaces, the specified elements can be a mixture of continuum and structural elements.
Multi-point constraints involving nodes on exposed surfaces are not taken into account during free surface generation, which can result in faces that are not on the exterior of a body being included in surface definitions.

Input File Usage:                
element number or element set,
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