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【讨论】procedure of solving nonlinear problem

发表于 2004-1-24 12:51:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 美国
In ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual->8.2 Solving nonlinear problems,
it is said "The nonlinear response of a structure to a small load increment", which means stress increment is given.
But in ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual->12.8.1 User-defined mechanical material behavior, it is also said "It is provided with the material state at the start of the increment (stress, solution-dependent state variables, temperature, and any predefined field variables given in the *FIELD option) and with the increments in temperature, predefined state variables, strain, and time.", which means strain increment is given.
What I want to ask is which expression is right?
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