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[前后处理] icemcfd网格到adina

发表于 2005-1-25 22:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海浦东新区
2、用文本编辑器打开一看,说格式是adina 7.3用的,不知道搞什么

 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-25 22:01:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海浦东新区


The ICEM-CFD/ADINA translator creates a formatted input file necessary to run the ADINA solver.

Creating the ADINA Input Files
The translator writes the ADINA input files using an unstructured domain file and its corresponding boundary conditions file. To create the ADINA input file, select the translator "ADINA" in the "Output" menu from the ICEM CFD/CAE Manager. After clicking "ADINA input" you can specify options for the interface:
select an existing unstructured domain file (default is hex.unstruct).
select the existing boundary condition file (default is family_boco).
specify the names for the ADINA input file.
specify the scale factor (default is 1.0).
The interface generates the ADINA file in the Transfer Shell. You may open a shell window in this directory by selecting the menu items "Utility" and "Transfer Shell". The ADINA formatted input file contains the following information:
Nodes information: - nodes ID number
- nodes coordinates (x,y and z)
Elements information: - element ID number
- all nodes number belonging to this element
Two groups of elements are required to define a contact-surface (or solid). These are :
-Target surface (or solid): - shell or volume  ID number
- all nodes number of the shell or volume element
- Contacted surface (or solid): - shell or volume  ID number
- all nodes number of the shell or volume element
The Target and the Contacted surface are defined as a family in ICEM.
Defining boundary conditions
In MULCAD the boundary conditions and properties are defined using the "Unspec. Bound. Cond." menu. For grids generated with the HEXA-Mesher or the TETRA-Mesher, the boundary conditions and properties are defined in the "general bound. cond." menu of the DDN-Mesher Interface. Please refer to the GENERAL REMARKS section for more details. The following sections explain how to define properties and boundary conditions for the ADINA interface.
Contact Group:

Select a subface or a domain for a 3D model, in order to tag the TARGETTED surface (or volume) and the CONTACTED surface (or volume).

        MULCAD          DDN-Mesher
        ------          ----------
        1.FLAG           1.string1        Enter the string: CGROUP
        2.NR             3.integer        Enter the Set number (integer)
       12.ATTRIB         2.string2        Enter TSURF for Target surface or
                                          CSURF for Contactor surface
Repeat the above procedure for all subfaces or domains for which you need to define a Contact boundary condition .
This fonction does not support structured grid. The boundary condition is limited to surface or solid contact.
发表于 2013-5-2 11:12:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京
metry 发表于 2005-1-25 22:01
The ICEM-CFD/ADINA translator creates a formatted input file necessary to run the ADINA solver.

Cr ...

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发表于 2013-5-2 12:22:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京
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