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发表于 2005-7-21 12:49:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏南京
发表于 2005-7-22 15:50:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京


在isight的user reference里有描述,大致的算法介绍和流程都有的。

  1. SQP Method - Short summary
  2. Notation: vectors are written in bold, e.g. x represents the vector of design variables.

  3. Optimization problem:

  4. Min f(x)

  5. Subject to:

  6. h(x) = 0 (equality constraints)

  7. g(x) £ 0 (inequality constraints)

  8. Necessary condition for point x* to be a minimizer = KKT condition (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition):

  9. Ñf* + lTÑh* + mTÑg = 0T

  10. with

  11. l ¹ 0

  12. mTg = 0, m ³ 0

  13. l and m are the Lagrange multipliers.

  14. An inequality constraint can be inactive, in that case gj < 0, mj = 0.

  15. If the inequality constraint is active, gj = 0, mj &sup1; 0, and it can be handled as an equality constraint.

  16. Sufficiency condition for point x* to be a minimizer: Hessian matrix (second derivative) should be positive definite: H > 0

  17. SQP algorithm:

  18. -        Select starting point x0, initialize l0, initialize H, let k (iteration counter) = 0

  19. -        First gradient calculation

  20. -        Iterate while convergence criteria not met:

  21. -  if k &sup1; 0, update Hessian matrix using the BFGS method

  22. -  Solve quadratic subproblem with linearized constraints following Newton’s method. This results in:

  23. sk, the search direction

  24. lk+1, the lagrange multipliers

  25. -  Minimize a merit function along sk, to determine a step length ?k

  26. -  Set xk+1 = xk + aksk

  27. -  Calculate gradient for xk+1 and check convergence (KKT condition)

  28. -  Let k = k+1

  29. The merit function is the one proposed by Powell:

  30. F(x,l,&micro;) = f(x) + Swi|hi| + Swj|min{0,-gj}|

  31. wi and wj are the weights that are used to balance the infeasibilities. The values for the weights are taken as follows:

  32. wi = |li| for k = 0 (first iteration)

  33. wi,k = max{|li,k|,0.5(wi,k-1-1+|li,k|)} for k > 0

  34. Similar formulas using mj are used for the weights for the inequalities.

  35. Design variables are always normalized to the interval [-1,1] to give equal weight to different dynamic ranges.

  36. Constraint values are always normalized by dividing by a range, which is |H-L| with H the high constraint value and L the low constraint value. If only one of both (L or H) is specified, the other is taken such that H = 1.2L if H > 0 and H = L/1.2 if H < 0.

  37. The merit function is always a compromise between minimizing f(x) and satisfying the constraints, hence it is possible that a better point is found while constraints are not satisfied, because the total merit function is better. The merit function can be influenced by multiplying the objective function with a factor, which results in a bigger or smaller weight in the merit function.
发表于 2005-7-22 15:52:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京


发表于 2005-8-1 11:22:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京


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