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[Recommend] The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

发表于 2005-9-27 09:42:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 辽宁大连
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 高效能人士的七个习惯

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is recognized as one of the most influential books ever written. In this seminal work, Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step framework for living and working based on fundamental principles or natural laws, giving us the security to adapt to change, and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

The personality and character ethics:
All the literature in the first 150 years or so focused on what could be called the Character Ethic as the foundation of success-things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule.
The Character Ethic taught that there are basec principles of effective living, and that people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.
I do think this point will help people become successful, but things changed later.

But shortly after World War 1 the basic view of success shifted from the character Ethic to what we might call the personality Ethic. People pay much attention to lip service; the basic thrust was quick-fix influence techniques, power strategies, communication skills and positive attitudes.

Last year, our company held a project called Energizer. This project is based on the ideas from a book fish. We have four teams called: choose your attitude, make their day, be there and play.

After two months of preparation work, every team thought out of the box and got their plan. We started to implement it from the first week of Dec 2004; every team would have two weeks to implement their plan.

We surely learned sth from this project. But that kind of things has not lasted for a long time. And now some of us forget this project.

After reading 7 habits, I realize it is true that we should do sth about the Character Ethic.

If you try to use human influence strategies and tactics of how to get other people to do what you want, to work better, to be more motivated, and to like you and each other—while your character is fundamentally flawed, marked by duplicity and insincerity –then, in the long run, you can not be successful.

Our character is a composite of our habits. Changing habits is hard, but can be done by tremendous commitment. A (good) habit can be defined as the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire. Change is a cycle of being and seeing (visualization Our objective is to move progressively on a maturity continuum from dependence to independence to interdependence. Although independence is the current paradigm of our society, we can accomplish much more by cooperation and specialization. However, we must achieve independence before we can choose interdependence.


Be Proactive, Personal Vision

Habit 1

Proactivity means that, as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions.

There are three central values in life: the experiential (that which happens to us), the creative (that which we bring into existence), and the attitudinal (our response to difficult circumstances). What matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life.

Proactivity is grounded in facing reality but also understanding we have the power to choose a positive response to our circumstances.

We need to understand how we focus our time and energy to be effective. The things we are concerned about could be described as our "Circle of Concern". There are things we can really do something about, that can be described as our "Circle of Influence". When we focus our time and energy in our Circle of Concern, but outside our Circle of Influence, we are not being effective. However, we find that being proactive helps us expand our Circle of Influence. (Work on things you can do something about.)

Reactive people focus their efforts on the Circle of Concern, over things they can't control. Their negative energy causes their Circle of Influence to shrink.

Sometimes we make choices with negative consequences, called mistakes. We can't recall or undo past mistakes. The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it instantly, correct and learn from it. Success is the far side of failure.

At the heart of our Circle of Influence is our ability to make and keep commitments and promises. Our integrity in keeping commitments and the ability to make commitments are the clearest manifestations of proactivity.

The first and most basic habit of a highly effective person in any environment is the habit of proactivity. Being proactive means that as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. We can subordinate feelings to values. We have the initiative and the responsibility to make things happen.

Look [at] the word responsibility-response-ability-the ability to choose your responses. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling. The opposite of proactive is reactive. The spirit of reactive people is the transfer of responsibility. Their language absolves them of responsibility. Proactive people focus their time and energy on their Circle of Influence (things they can control) in lieu of reacting to or worrying about conditions over which they have little or no control (Circle of Concern). In so doing, proactive people use positive energy to influence conditions and increase their Circle of Influence.

于感情的、他们的条件的产物。 积极主动的反义词是消极被动。消极被动者的精神是逃避责任,他们的言辞为自己开拓责任。


Begin With The End In Mind Personal Leadership

Habit 2

There are three major aspects of our personal and business management. First is leadership - what do I/we want to accomplish? Second is management - how can I best accomplish it? Third is productivity - doing it. According to Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, "Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things."

A starting point in beginning with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement, philosophy or credo. It will help you focus on what you want to be (character), do (contributions and achievements) and on the values and principles upon which your being and doing are based. The personal mission statement gives us a changeless core from which we can deal with external change.

The principles we base our lives on should be deep, fundamental truths, classic truths, or generic common denominators. They will become tightly interwoven themes running with exactness, consistency, beauty and strength through the fabric of our lives.

In developing your personal mission statement, you can use your creative ability to imagine life milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, retirement and funerals. What accomplishments would you like to celebrate? Visualize them in rich detail.

To begin with the end in mind means to begin each day with a clear understanding of your desired direction and destination. By keeping that end in mind you can make certain that whatever you do on any particular day does not violate the criteria you have defined as supremely important, and that each day of your life contributes in a meaningful way to the vision you have of your life as a whole.
Begin with the end in mind is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There's a mental or first creation and a physical or second creation. The second, or physical creation, follows from the first, just as a building follows from
a blueprint. In our personal lives, if we do not develop our own self-awareness and become responsible for first creations, we empower other people and circumstances to shape our lives by default.
Leadership is the first creation. Management is the second creation. Management is a bottom line focus: How can I best accomplish certain things? Leadership deals with the top line: What are the things I want to accomplish? In the words of both
Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.


PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST - Principles of Personal Management

Habit 3

Question 1: What one thing could you do (you aren’t doing now) that if you did on a regular basis, would make a tremendous positive difference in your personal life?

Question 2: What one thing in your business or professional life would bring similar results?

The time management matrix     




Pressing problems

Deadline-driven projects


prevention, pc activities

Relationship building

Recognizing new opportunities

Planning, recreation



Interruptions, some calls

Some mail, some reports

Some meetings

Proximate, pressing matters

Popular activities



Trivia, busy work

Some mail some phone calls

Time wasters

Pleasant activities

Which Quadrant do you spend most of your time in?

Habit 1 - I am the Programmer. Habit 2 - Write the Program. Habit 3 - Execute the Program.

Habit 3 is Personal Management, the exercise of independent will to create a life congruent with your values, goals and mission.

Time management is an essential skill for personal management. The essence of time management is to organize and execute around priorities. Methods of time management have developed in these stages: 1) notes and checklists - recognizing multiple demands on our time; 2) calendars and appointment books - scheduling events and activities; 3) prioritizing, clarifying values - integrating our daily planning with goal setting (The downside of this approach is increasing efficiency can reduce the spontaneity and relationships of life.); 4) managing ourselves rather than managing time - focusing in preserving and enhancing relationships and accomplishing results, thus maintaining the P/PC balance (production versus building production capacity).

A matrix can be made of the characteristics of activities, classifying them as urgent or not urgent, important or not important.

Quadrant I activities are urgent and important - called problems or crises. Focusing on Quadrant I results in it getting bigger and bigger until it dominates you.

Quadrant III activities are urgent and not important, and often misclassified as Quadrant I.

Quadrant IV is the escape Quadrant - activities that are not urgent and not important.

HABIT 3 A:  

Effective people stay out of Quadrants III and IV because they aren't important. They shrink Quadrant I down to size by spending more time in Quadrant II.
Quadrant II activities are important, but not urgent. Working on this Quadrant is the heart of personal time management. These are PC activities.

Quadrant II activities are high impact - activities that when done regularly would make a tremendous difference in your life. (Including implementing the Seven Habits.)

Initially, the time for Quadrant II activities must come from Quadrants III and IV. Quadrant I can't be ignored, but should eventually shrink with attention to Quadrant II.

1) Prioritize 2) Organize Around Priorities 3) Discipline yourself

A critical skill for personal management is delegation. Effectively delegating to others is perhaps the single most powerful high-leverage activity there is. Delegation enables you to devote your energies to high level activities in addition to enabling personal growth for individuals and organizations.

There are two types of delegation: Gofer Delegation and Supervision of Efforts (Stewardship).

Using Gofer Delegation requires dictating not only what to do, but how to do it. The supervisor then must function as a "boss," micromanaging the progress of the "subordinate."

More effective managers use Stewardship Delegation, which focuses on results instead of methods. People are able to choose the method to achieve the results. It takes more time up front, but has greater benefits. Stewardship Delegation requires a clear, up-front mutual understanding of and commitment to expectations in five areas:

1,Desired Results - Have the person see it, describe it, make a quality statement of what the results will look like and by when they will be accomplished.

2, Guidelines - Identify the parameters within which the individual should operate, and what potential "failure paths" might be. Keep the responsibility for results with the person delegated to.

3,Resources - Identify the resources available to accomplish the required results.

4,Accountability - Set standards of performance to be used in evaluating the results and specific times when reporting and evaluation will take place.

5,Consequences - Specify what will happen as a result of the evaluation, including psychic or financial rewards and penalties.

Immature people can handle fewer results and need more guidelines and more accountability interviews. Mature people can handle more challenging desired results with fewer guidelines and accountability interviews.
" Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and should be."

Paradigms of Interdependence

The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or do, but who we are.
In order to receive the benefits of interdependence, we need to create and care for the relationships that are the source of the benefits.
The Emotional Bank Account describes how trust is built on a relationship. Positive behaviors are deposits building a reserve. Negative behaviors are withdrawals. A high reserve balance results in higher tolerance for our mistakes and more open communication.
There are six major deposits we can make to the emotional bank account:
Understanding the individual. An individual's values determine what actions will result in a deposit or a withdrawal for that individual. To build a relationship, you must learn what is important to the other person and make it as important to you as the other person is to you. Understand others deeply as individuals and then treat them in terms of that understanding.
Attend to the little things, which are the big things in relationships.
Keep commitments. Breaking a promise is a major withdrawal.
Clarify expectations. The cause of almost all relationship difficulties is rooted in ambiguous, conflicting expectations around roles and goals. Making an investment of time and effort up front saves time, effort and a major withdrawal later.
Show personal integrity. A lack of integrity can undermine almost any effort to create a high trust reserve. Honesty requires conforming our words to reality. Integrity requires conforming reality to our words, keeping promises and fulfilling expectations. The key to the many is the one, especially the one that tests the patience and good humor of the many. How you treat the one reveals how you regard the many, because everyone is ultimately a one.
Apologize sincerely when you make a withdrawal. Sincere apologies are deposits, but repeated apologies are interpreted as insincere, resulting in withdrawals.

Watch the three habits: four, five and six.

  What are first things? First things are those things that you, personally, find most worth doing. They move you in the right direction and help you achieve the purpose expressed in your mission statement.
  Put First Things First involves organizing and managing time and events according to the personal priorities established in Habit 2 (Begin with the End in Mind). Habit 2 is the first or mental creation. Habit 3, then, is the second, or physical creation. It's the day-in, day-out, moment by moment doing it.



Habit 4

In relationships and businesses, effectiveness is largely achieved through the cooperative efforts of two or more people. Marriages and other partnerships are interdependent realities, and yet people often approach these relationships with an independent mentality, which is like trying to play golf with a tennis racket-the tool isn't suited to the sport.
Most of us learn to base our self-worth on comparisons and competition. We think about succeeding in terms of someone else failing. That is, if I win, you lose. Or if you win, I lose. There is only so much pie and if you get a big piece there is less for me. People with this type of Scarcity Mentality find it difficult to share recognition and power, and to be happy for the successes of others, especially those closest to them.

Win-Win, on the other hand, is based on the paradigm that there is plenty for everybody, that one person's success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others. Win-Win sees life as a cooperative, not a competitive arena.
Win-Win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying.





Habit 5

Communication is the most important skill in life. We spend most of our waking hours communicating. But consider this: You've spent years learning how to read and write. Years learning how to speak. But what about listening? What training or education have you had that enables you to listen so that you really, deeply understand another human being from that individuals' own frame of reference?

Seeking first to understand, or diagnosing before you prescribe, is a correct principle manifest in many areas of life. A wise doctor will diagnose before writing a prescription. A good engineer will understand the forces, the stresses at work, before designing the bridge. An effective salesperson first seeks to understand the needs of the customer before offering a product. Similarly, an effective communicator will first seek to understand another's views before seeking to be understood. Until people feel properly diagnosed they will not be open to prescriptions.
We typically seek first to be understood. Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. They're either speaking or preparing to speak. They're filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's lives.



Habit 6

Synergy is everywhere in nature. The intermingled roots of two plants growing closely together improve the quality of the soil. Two pieces of wood bonded together hold much more than the total of the weight held by each separately. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. One plus one equals three or more.
The principle of synergy also holds true in social interactions. Two people, creatively cooperating, will be able to produce far better results than either one could alone. Synergy lets us discover jointly things that we are much less likely to discover by ourselves. It occurs when minds stimulate each other and ideas call forth ideas. I say something that stimulates your mind; you respond with an idea that stimulates mine. I share that new idea with you, and the process repeats itself and even builds.

Synergy works. It is the crowning achievement of all the previous habits. It is effectiveness in an interdependent reality-it is teamwork, team building, the development of unity and creativity with other human beings.

Valuing the differences is the essence of synergy-the mental, the emotional, the physiological differences between people. And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all people see the world, not as it is, but as they are. When we value differences and bring different perspectives together in the spirit of mutual respect, people then feel free to seek the best possible alternative, often the Third Alternative, one that is substantially better than either of the original proposals. Finding a third alternative is not compromise, but represents a Win-win solution for both parties.



Habit 7

Habit 7 is the habit that makes all the others possible. Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have-you. It means having a balanced, systematic program for self-renewal in the four areas of our lives: physical, mental, emotional-social, and spiritual. Without this discipline, the body becomes weak, the mind mechanical, the emotions raw, the spirit insensitive, and the person selfish.
This is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life-investment in ourselves, in the only instrument we have with which to deal with life and to contribute. Yet when people get busy producing, or sawing, they seldom take time to Sharpen the Saw because maintenance seldom pays dramatic, immediate dividends.
This daily Private Victory is the key to the development of the Seven Habits, and it's completely within our control. Renewal is the principle and the process that empowers us to move on an upward spiral of growth and change, of continuous improvement.


[ 本帖最后由 FreddyMusic 于 2006-5-13 00:17 编辑 ]




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