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cuixiaoxiang200 该用户已被删除
发表于 2005-11-7 10:30:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏镇江
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发表于 2005-11-9 20:24:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北宜昌


发表于 2005-11-10 07:47:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏无锡


发表于 2005-11-12 19:48:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山东青岛


发表于 2005-11-13 17:27:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自 山东烟台


发表于 2006-4-12 10:52:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 大连理工大学


发表于 2006-4-13 01:50:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 俄罗斯


本人有俄-德-英 船舶专业词典 有需要的话跟我联系!俄罗斯出的词典,以海军上将造船厂实际经验总结编撰的辞典!
发表于 2006-4-18 01:23:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江宁波
发表于 2006-4-18 14:30:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
发表于 2006-4-18 20:33:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉


原帖由 cuixiaoxiang200 于 2005-11-7 10:30 发表


ABS    (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社
ANG    (Angle Bar)角钢
BFE    (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备
BG     (Bulk Carrier)散货船
BHD    (Bulkhead)舱壁
BHP    (Break Horsepower)制动马力
BL     (Base Line)基线
BM     (Breadth Molded)型宽
BV     (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社
CAD    (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计
CAM    (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造
CB     (Center of Buoyancy)浮心
CCS    (China Classification Society)中国船级社
CF     (Center of Floatation)漂心
CFE    (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备
CG     (Center of Gravity)重心
CH     (Channel)槽钢
CM     (Metacenter)稳心
CPP    (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨
CS     (Carbon Steel)碳素钢
DB     (Double Bottom)双层底
DK     (Deck)甲板
DM     (Depth Molded)型深
DNV    (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社
DWG    (Drawing)图
DWL    (Design Waterline)设计水线
DWT    (Deadweight)载重量
FAT    (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验
FB     (Flat Bar)扁钢
FEM    (Finite Element Method)有限元法
FPSO   (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统
FSO    (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统
Fwd    (Forward)向船艏
GL     (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社
GM     (Metacentric Height)初稳心高
HP     (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢
LBP    (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长
LCG    (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心
LNG    (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船
LOA    (Overall Length)总长
Long.  (Longitudinal)纵骨
LPG    (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船
LR     (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社
MDK    (Main Deck)主甲板
MODU   (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台
MS     (Mild Steel)低碳钢
MTO    (Material Takeoff)材料估算
NK     (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会
OFE    (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备
OT     (Oil Tight)油密
PL     (Plate)板
RI     (Register Italian)意大利船级社
SB     (Starboard)右舷
Semi-  (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台
STLP   (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台
TCG    (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心
TEU    (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱
TLP    (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台
UCLL   (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船
VCG    (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心
VLCC   (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船
WB     (Web Bar)腹板
WL     (Waterline)水线
WT     (Water Tight)水密


AHU    (Air Handling Unit)通风装置
BHP    (Break Horsepower)制动马力
A/C    (Air Compressor)空气压缩机
A/C    (Air Conditioning)空调
BB     (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承
BRG    (Bearing)轴承
CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽
CCR    (Central Control Room)中心控制室
COW    (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱
DFO    (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油
DPS     (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统
DT     (Double-Thread)双头螺纹
FS     (Forged Steel)锻钢
FW     (Fresh Water)淡水
FO     (Fuel Oil)燃油
GRP    (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢
HVAV   (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统
HPU    (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站
LSA    (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具
LCC    (Local Control Console)机旁控制台
LO     (Lube Oil)滑油
MDO    (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油
OS     (Operation System)操作系统
PLC    (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元
PMS    (Power Manage System)动力管理系统


AC     (Alternative Current)交流电
AVR    (Automatic Voltage Regulation)自动电压调整计
CCTV   (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视
CMS    (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统
DC     (Direct Current)直流电
DFT    (Dry Film Thickness)干膜
DG     (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机
DVD    (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘
EMSP   (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板
ESS    (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统
GPS    (Global Position System)全球定位系统
HG     (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机
HT     (High Temperature)高温
JB     (Junction Box)接线盒
LED    (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管
LT     (Low Temperature)低温
MCU    (Main Control Unit)主控器箱
MG     (Main Generator)主发电机
MUR    (Manual Voltage Regulation)手动调压器
NEMA   (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
PA     (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统
PWM    (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制
ST     (Starter)启动器
SWBD   (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板
UPS    (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源
VCR    (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机


ARD    (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆
ARF    (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆
ARP    (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆
A/C    (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆
CAF    (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料
EDP    (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆
EFP    (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆
EPP    (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆
ETPF   (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆
ETPP   (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆
ETP    (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆
ERL    (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆
ECP    (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆
EPR    (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶  
F/C    (Finish Coating)面漆
IZP    (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆
IZSP   (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆
UTP    (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆
TE     (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆
VTP    (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆
ZRP    (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆

WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):

ASTM   (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会
AWS    (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会
FCAW   (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊
FRP    (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢
GMAW   (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊
GRP    (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢
GTAW   (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊
GW     (Gravity Welding)重力焊
MPI    (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验
NDE    (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定
NDT    (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验
PVC    (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯
S/W    (Spot Weld) 点焊
SAW    (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊
SMAW   (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊
UT     (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验
WPS    (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表
WQT    (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验


AE     (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师
ANSI   (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局
API    (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会
ASME   (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会
Bbls   (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位 1桶 = 159升),
C.E.   (Chief Engineer) 总工程师
CEO    (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁
CIS    (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准
CNOOC  (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司
Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司
cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺
cu.in. (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸
GB     (Guo Biao)国标
GM     (General Manage)总经理
H.Q.   (Headquarters) 总部
HSE    (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保
ID     (Inner Dimension)内径
IEC    (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会
IMO    (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织
ISO    (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会
ITU    (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟
Ksi    (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸
N/A    (None Applicable)不适用
NACE   (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会
NFPA   (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会
OD     (outer Dimension)外径
QA     (Quality Assurance)质量保证
QC     (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)
ST     (Short Ton)短吨
SOLAS  (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约
Spec.  (specification)说明书,规格书
sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺
sq.in. (Square Inch) 平方英寸         


Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval.

Detail Design(详细设计):Development of Basic design into specifications, plans/drawings which are Class approved enabling production of Vessel.

Shop Drawing(生产设计图纸):Development of Detail Design into drawings which are Owner approved enabling fabrication of Vessel.

Piping Lofting(管路放样):Application of program or manual to ensure the proper position of piping in vessel.

Electrical Lofting(电气放样):Application of program to ensure the reasonable arrangement of cables in vessel.  

The abbreviation and phrases of the <<Abbreviation Manual>> come from some specifications and drawings that have been used in Yantai-Raffles shipyard. The content of the manual isn't of abundance and integrity to some extent because of deficiency in experience of author and lack of data. We will be highly appreciated if you can give us some advice and suggestions. Please contact with the author provided you have any supplements for the manual, your suggestions are important to us. Let us perfect the <<Abbreviation Manual>> together. Thanks a lot!
Please contact: Zhao Y.J. (Bidding Group of Engineering Dept.)
           Tel: 0535-6801451-2034
    联系人:  赵跃骥(技术部投标组)
发表于 2006-5-3 20:00:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海浦东新区
HP= Holland Profile?
发表于 2007-4-24 09:19:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏镇江
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