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[招聘专版] 外企高薪诚聘UG设计工程师

发表于 2007-2-24 15:07:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海
职位: UG设计工程师

1.用UG NX 3.0对钻杆3-D组装和其它组成部分进行参数化实体造型/Solid and parametric modeling derrick stem 3-D assembly and other components using UG NX 3.0
2.与结构分析工程师合作实现钢连接详图设计/Work with structure analysis engineer to realize steel detail connection design
3.钻塔设备的3-D 设计/3-D Design on supports for equipment in derrick
4.2-D UG 绘制 /2-D UG drafting.

•土木结构/机械工程学士以上学位/B. S degree or above in Civil structural/Mechanical engineering
•3年以上UG NX工作经验/Minimum 3 years of working experience with UG NX
•有钢结构设计经验者优先/Steel structure design experience is an advantage.
•很强的技术技能,对机械工程有很深的理解/Strong technical skills and mechanical engineering sense
•在UG 3D模型方面具有很强的分析问题和解决问题的能力/Strong analytical and problem solving skills in UG 3D modeling
•具备良好的沟通技巧、积极主动并具备良好的团队合作精神/Good communication skills, initiative and teamwork spirits
•熟练掌握英语者优先/Good command of English preferable

有兴趣的请将个人中英文建立付照片电邮至: olivecoach@126.com, info@olivecoach.com, xiaoliyun@yahoo.com
上海欧立文企业管理咨询有限公司 胡小姐
电话:021-64162842 (9:30—17:30)

OCG Company: we are professional HR consultancy located in Shanghai. Our client is a famous international company with office in Shanghai. Currently, we are appointed to search qualified candidate for the following position. We work for our clients and therefore our service for you is free of charge.
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