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半导体电子封装: solder 的性质和蠕变模拟

发表于 2007-7-26 02:37:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 美国

   User Interface

The user interfaces for the applicable versions (Version 6.4, Version 6.5) are described below.

Version 6.4
The CREEP user subroutines are attached to the Answer in archive CREEP_Routines.zip; the files are named creep_anand.for, creep_darveaux.for, and creep_sinh.for. The routines can be invoked from ABAQUS/CAE or by directly editing the input (.inp) file. Each routine calls a function which has been pre-compiled and included in the associated library. The library files for each supported platform are attached.

The parameters for the given creep model are defined in the source file for the associated CREEP routine. The correspondence between the parameters and the variable names used in the routine is outlined in the above tables. The parameters cannot be set from within ABAQUS/CAE or the input file; they must be modified in the source code file of the CREEP routine prior to execution.

Use within ABAQUS/CAE

The creep law definition is included in the material definition, which is specified in the Property module. The following steps can be completed when creating a new material or modifying an existing material.


Material ® Manager

If creating a new material, select Create; otherwise select the name of the existing material and click Edit. In the Edit Material dialog box, select

Mechanical ® Plasticity ® Creep

In the dialog that appears, select User Defined from the Law pulldown menu. The Anand model uses one state variable; to specify this, select

General ® Depvar

and set the number of solution dependent state variables to one. The Darveaux and hyperbolic sine models do not use state variables. Click OK to complete the material definition.

Input File

To invoke a user defined creep law directly from the input file, include the following option within the *MATERIAL definition:


The Anand model defines the deformation resistance s as a state variable. Therefore it requires that one state variable be defined in the material description:


Temperature Dependence in the Hyperbolic Sine Law

If the coefficients of the hyperbolic sine law are to depend on temperature, there is an additional subroutine in creep_sinh.for which allows the dependency to be programmed. For no temperature dependence, this should be an empty routine. Otherwise, the 4 material coefficients of the hyperbolic sine law can be made to depend on the value of the absolute temperature passed in.

Version 6.5

For Version 6.5, the aforementioned creep models are provided as built-in CREEP user subroutines. No additional shared libraries are needed, and no user subroutine files are required if the creep models are the only user subroutines being invoked. The models can be included from ABAQUS/CAE or added directly to an input file.

Use within ABAQUS/CAE

The creep law definition is included in the material definition, which is specified in the Property module. The following steps can be completed:


Material ® Manager ® Create

In the Edit Material dialog box, specify the name of the material as defined below - the correct name must be used. Select

Mechanical ® Plasticity ® Creep

In the dialog that appears, select User Defined from the Law pulldown menu and click OK. The material parameters as described above must be defined by editing the model keywords. Select

Model ® Edit Keywords

and add the necessary data line items to the *CREEP, LAW=USER keyword. The ordering of the material parameters is described below.

Input File

To invoke a user defined creep law directly from the input file, include the following option within the *MATERIAL definition:


The appropriate material name and data line items must be included as described below. Since the material models typically include temperature in an absolute scale, provisions have been made for finite element models which use non absolute temperature scales. In what follows, the variable T0 means the value in absolute degrees of the zero temperature of the scale being used (for example, if the model uses degrees Celsius, T0 should be 273.)

Anand Model

When using the Anand model, the name of the material must begin with ABQ_CREEP_ANAND. The model parameters are specified as:

so, Q, A, x, m, ho, , n
a, T0

The Anand model defines the deformation resistance s as a state variable. Therefore it requires that one state variable be defined in the material description:


Darveaux Model

When using the Darveaux model, the name of the material must begin with ABQ_CREEP_DARVEAUX. The model parameters are specified as:

Css, Q, a, n, eT, B, T0

Temperature Dependent Hyperbolic Sine Model

When using the hyperbolic sine model, the name of the material must begin with ABQ_CREEP_SINH. The model parameters are specified as:

C4, C1, C2, C3, T0, A1, A2, B1

where the temperature dependencies of constants C1 and C2 are expressed as

  C1 = A1(A2 - T)T (11)
  C2 = 1/(B1 - B2T) (12)

If the coefficients of the hyperbolic sine law are to depend on temperature in an arbitrary way, the attached subroutine creep_sinh2.for must be used in the same manner as that described above for Version 6.4. In this case, the user parameter must be included when running the job, as:

abaqus job=jobname user=creep_sinh2

Supported Elements and Analysis Procedures

Any of the stress/displacement elements in ABAQUS/Standard (including those with temperature degrees of freedom) can be used.

A quasi-static analysis procdure is generally used to analyze creep problems. From the Step module in ABAQUS/CAE, select

Step ® Create

and from the Create Step dialog box, set the procedure type to General and Visco. The coupled temperature-displacement procedure type is also supported. Select Continue, and the Edit Step dialog box will appear; the time period and incrementation can then be defined. Note that for either procedure type, the creep strain error tolerance must be set or the analysis will use a fixed time step. This quantity can be defined on the Incrementation tab of the Edit Step dialog box.

Installation and Use

Version 6.4

In order to use the supplied CREEP subroutines, a set of platform-specific libraries must be installed on the machine where the analysis will be executed.

Download and unzip the attached user subroutine library archive file for the platform of interest. Currently, the supported platforms include:

Platform Attached Archive Name
Windows Windows.ZIP
Linux/Pentium Linux32.tar
SGI Origin2000.tar
HP Alpha HPAlpha.tar
HP Itanium HPItanium.tar

Each archive contains six separate library files.

Find out where the ABAQUS release is installed by typing (UNIX and Windows NT)

abaqus whereami

This command will give the full path to the directory where ABAQUS is installed, referred to here as abaqus_dir.

The library files contained in the archive will already exist in the abaqus_dir/cae/exec/lbr directory. Create a backup of these libraries.

Copy the static and shared libraries from the downloaded archive to the abaqus_dir/cae/exec/lbr directory.

Analysis Execution

If you will be using other user subroutines in addition to one of the CREEP subroutines, the source code for all the routines must reside in a single file.

To run the analysis from ABAQUS/CAE, the location of the source code file must be included when creating the job. In the Job module, select

Job ® Create

In the Create Job dialog box, specify a name for the job and the model to be used. Click Continue, and the Edit Job dialog box will appear. Select the General tab; the path to the subroutine source file is specified at the bottom of the dialog.
To run the analysis from the command line, type:

abaqus job=jobname user=source-file

where source-file is the name of the file containing the source code for subroutine CREEP and any other routines in use.

For additional information see:

'System customization parameters,' Section 4.1.4 of the Version 6.4 ABAQUS Installation and Licensing Guide
'Execution procedure for ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit,' Section 3.2.2 of the Version 6.5 or Version 6.6 ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual
Version 6.5

No shared libraries or user subroutines are needed to use the models in Versions 6.5-1 and higher, except for the case of arbitrary temperature dependence of the hyperbolic sine model as outlined above.

Sample Input Files

Six input files are attached in the Sample_InputFiles.zip archive; one demonstrating each of the three creep models for Version 6.4 and for Versions 6.5-1 and higher. In each case, a single C3D8 element is given an initial temperature of 400K, loaded in a state of constant shear stress, and allowed to creep. Included in the archive is a plot of the ABAQUS results and the analytical solutions.


Most of the creep laws used in the aforementioned routines represent steady state creep. In examining the equivalent creep strain rate results of the included example input files, it is clear that the CREEP routines capture their respective analytical answers as steady state is reached. It is also clear that the creep laws for this example case do not predict the same steady state creep rate. This is not a limitation of the routines provided; rather, it is an indication of the sensitivity of the models to the quality of the material parameters.


'Quasi-static analysis,' Section 6.2.5 of the Version 6.5 or Version 6.6 ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual
Additional References:

L. Anand, "Constitutive Equations for Hot-Working of Metals," International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 1, pp. 213-231, 1985.
S.B. Brown, K.H. Kim, and L. Anand, "An Internal Variable Constitutive Model for Hot Working of Metals," International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 5, pp. 95-130, 1989.
R. Darveaux, “Effect of Simulation Methodology on Solder Joint Crack Growth Correlation” , Proceedings of Electronic Components and Technology Conference, pp. 1048-1058, 2000.
R. Darveaux and K. Banerji, “Constitutive Relations for Tin-Based Solder Joints,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1013-1024, December, 1992.
J.H. Lau, S.H. Pan, and C. Chang, “Creep Analysis of Wafer Level Chip Scale Package (WLCSP) With 96.5Sn-3.5Ag and 100In Lead-Free Solder Joints and Microvia Build-Up Printed Circuit Board,” Journal of Electronic Packaging, vol. 124, pp. 69-76, June, 2002.
NIST Metallurgy Division, Sn-Ag Properties and Creep Data. Note that this reference presents Darveaux's data in shear stress/shear strain rate form. ABAQUS requires equivalent stress/equivalent strain rate form (factors of sqrt(3) are needed).


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发表于 2010-3-26 11:15:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
1# zhongpingbao




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发表于 2010-9-20 17:12:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏南京
请问CREEP_Routines.zip 和Windows.zip 里面的东西对inp文件的提交有什么作用吗?我不知道这两个压缩文件的内容有什么作用?楼主已有几年没登录过了,那位高手能指点一下,谢谢。。。
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发表于 2011-3-16 12:31:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏南京
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