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发表于 2008-8-6 18:49:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海虹口区
Post) Looking for a post-doctorial research.
We are looking for a postdoc for coming a year.
The research topics for a post-doc are as follows:
- Research topics
1. Environmental Systems Engineering (enviro-informatics)
- modeling, control and optimization in environment process (wastewater treatment plant or other processes)
- activated sludge model in biological wastewater treatment plant (ASP, MBR, etc
- anaerobic digestion model in biological wastewater treatment plant
- integrated modeling of treatment plant and anaerobic digestion for hydrogen energy
- modeling and optimization of a microbial fuel cell
- Respirometry

2. air quality control and management in a subway indoor.
- multivariate statistical monitoring and data analysis
- data-driven modeling(PCA/PLS/NN)
3. Process systems engineering(PSE) in chemical engineering
             - process control, design and simulation of chemical process
- fault detection and diagnosis
-response surface method (RSM) for process optimization
4. Experimental works

- Notice
The candidate need at least 2 SCI papers for last two years(2006-2008.8), which should be a first author or corresponding author. (Publications lists are as much as possible)
The contract will be basically one year and can be extended to one more year depending on the research performance of a posdoc.
The salary of the first year will be around 1,500$-2,000$/month.
The final candidate will work at Kyung Hee Univ (the fund will come from Kunk Kuk univ.)
The start of the working at Kyung Univ. may be within this year (Dec. 2008) or next year(Jan. 2009).



Dr  Bao
发表于 2008-8-19 10:59:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江杭州
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