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[二次开发] How to Add Tool Length to shop doc Tool List

发表于 2009-9-20 13:22:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 湖北武汉
If we are using tool list (TEXT) output we need to look at shop_doc.dat. The
tcl file and tpl file to modify are listed here

Tool List (TEXT), ${UGII_CAM_SHOP_DOC_DIR}tool_list.tcl,

Open tool_list.tcl - the proc that we will be modifying is

proc MOM_TOOL_BODY {} {

  global mom_tool_name
  global mom_tool_type
  global mom_template_subtype
  global mom_tool_diameter
  global mom_tool_nose_radius
  global mom_tool_length_adjust_register
  global mom_tool_orientation
  global mom_tool_corner1_radius
  global mom_tool_point_angle
  global mom_tool_flute_length
  global setup_header
  global tool_head
  global Tool_No
  global mom_drive_point_diameter
  global mom_tool_ug_type
  global mom_tool_description
  MapToolType tool_type
  if {$setup_header > 1} \
     if { [string compare $tool_head $tool_type] } { return }

     if { $mom_template_subtype == "" } { set mom_template_subtype
$mom_tool_type }

     switch $tool_head \
       "DRILL" {
                  set pi [expr 2 * asin(1.0)]
                  set mom_tool_point_angle [expr [expr 180 / $pi] * \
                  set output [format "%-20s %-30s %-10.4f %-10.4f %-10.4f
%-10d\n" \
                    $mom_tool_name $mom_tool_description \
                     $mom_tool_diameter $mom_tool_point_angle \
                    $mom_tool_flute_length $mom_tool_length_adjust_register]
                  MOM_output_literal "$output"
       "MILL"  {
                  # user defined tool. mom_tool_diameter is
                  if { $mom_tool_ug_type == 15 } {
                      if {[info exists mom_drive_point_diameter]} {
                          set mom_tool_diameter $mom_drive_point_diameter
                  set output [format "%-20s %-30s %-10.4f %-10.4f %-10.4f
%-10d\n" \
                    $mom_tool_name $mom_tool_description\
                    $mom_tool_diameter $mom_tool_corner1_radius \
                    $mom_tool_flute_length $mom_tool_length_adjust_register]
                  MOM_output_literal "$output"
       "LATHE" {
                  set tool_orient [expr [expr 180 / 3.14] * \
                  set output [format "%-20s %-30s %-10.4f %-15.4f %-10d\n" \
                    $mom_tool_name $mom_tool_description \
                     $mom_tool_nose_radius $tool_orient \
                  MOM_output_literal "$output"
  } else \
     switch $tool_type \
         "MILL"  { incr Tool_No(mill) }
         "DRILL" { incr Tool_No(drill) }
         "LATHE" { incr Tool_No(lathe) }

For our example if we want to add tool lenth to the Drills, you will add
mom_tool_length to the global list

global mom_tool_length

then modify the format statement under the "DRILL" case to look like this

       "DRILL" {
                  set pi [expr 2 * asin(1.0)]
                  set mom_tool_point_angle [expr [expr 180 / $pi] * \
                  set output [format "%-20s %-30s %-10.4f %-10.4f %-10.4f
%-10.4f %-10d\n" \
                    $mom_tool_name $mom_tool_description \
                     $mom_tool_diameter $mom_tool_point_angle \
                    $mom_tool_flute_length $mom_tool_length
                  MOM_output_literal "$output"

Notice we added the tool length after the tool flute length. This meant we had
to add the %-10.4f in the format statement and the $mom_tool_length
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