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[二次开发] Java program : decrease points of selected non associative spline by one

发表于 2009-12-18 00:45:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 河北廊坊
import nxopen.*;
import nxopen.uf.*;
import nxopen.features.Feature;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

public class decrease_points_of_selected_non_associative_spline_by_one
        static UFSession ufs = null;
        static ListingWindow lw = null;
        public static void main(String[] args)  throws NXException, RemoteException
                Session s = (Session)SessionFactory.get("Session");
                ufs = (UFSession)SessionFactory.get("UFSession");
                Part dispPart = s.parts().display();
                Part workPart = s.parts().work();
                lw = s.listingWindow();
                Feature spline_feat = null;
                Selection.SelectObjectData spline = null;
                while( (spline=select_a_spline()) != null )
                        // Report the spline points
                        lw.writeLine("\nSpline data before edit...\n");
                        // Reduce the amount of points by 1
                        UFCurve.AskSplineThruPtsData data = ufs.curve().askSplineThruPts(spline.object.tag());
                        int numPoints2 = data.numPoints-1;
                        if( numPoints2 < 2 )
                                lw.writeLine("\nCannot reduce amount of spline points anymore...exit\n");

                        int saveDefData = 1;
                        UFCurve.PtSlopeCrvatr[] pdata2 = new UFCurve.PtSlopeCrvatr[numPoints2];
                        double[] parameters2 = new double[numPoints2];

                        for( int j=0;j<numPoints2;j++)
                                pdata2[j] = data.pointData[j];
                                parameters2[j] = data.parameters[j];

                        ufs.curve().editSplineThruPts( spline.object.tag(),
                        // Report the spline points again
                        lw.writeLine("\nSpline data after edit...\n");

        public static void report_spline_thru_points(Selection.SelectObjectData spline)
          throws NXException, RemoteException
                lw.writeLine("Found Spline " + spline.object.tag().value);
                // Report the spline points
                UFCurve.AskSplineThruPtsData data = ufs.curve().askSplineThruPts(spline.object.tag());
                lw.writeLine("Degree: " + data.degree);
                lw.writeLine("Periodicity: " + data.periodicity);
                lw.writeLine("Number of Spline Points: " + data.numPoints);
                for( int i=0;i<data.numPoints;i++)
                        UFCurve.PtSlopeCrvatr pdata = data.pointData[i];
                                "X=" + pdata.point[0]
                                + " Y=" + pdata.point[1]
                                + " Z=" + pdata.point[2]
                                + " P=" + data.parameters[i]

    public static Selection.SelectObjectData select_a_spline() throws NXException, RemoteException
                UI theUI = (UI)SessionFactory.get("UI");
                Selection.MaskTriple mask[] = { new Selection.MaskTriple(UFConstants.UF_spline_type, 0, 0) };
                Selection.SelectObjectData selObj = theUI.selectionManager().selectObject("Select Spline", "Select Spline",
                   Selection.SelectionScope.WORK_PART, Selection.SelectionAction.CLEAR_AND_ENABLE_SPECIFIC, false, false, mask );

                if ( selObj.response == Selection.Response.OBJECT_SELECTED ||
                                selObj.response == Selection.Response.OBJECT_SELECTED_BY_NAME )
                        return selObj;
                        return null;

    public static final int getUnloadOption()
        return BaseSession.LibraryUnloadOption.IMMEDIATELY;
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