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[行业活动] 3rd International Conference on Porous Media & Annual meeting

发表于 2010-9-25 23:04:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 河南郑州
3rd International Conference on Porous Media & Annual meeting
of the International Society for Porous Media
(29-31 March 2011, Bordeaux Campus, FRANCE)

The objective of the conference is to bring together porous media theoreticians, modellers, and experimentalistsfrom academia and industry and to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and expertise for advancing the porousmedia science. This includes problems around developing, producing and manufacturing porous structures,characterizing them, or analyzing flow and transport that in addition, may involve thermal, chemical and mechanicalaspects. The conference aims to cover descriptions of physical mechanisms in porous media at many differentscales ranging from the micro to the mega scale, using theoretical, numerical or experimental approaches. Allindustrial applications involving porous materials are of interest. These applications may concern manufacturedmaterials like thin and/or swelling porous materials as involved in fuel cells, paper, diapers and moistureabsorbents, textiles, agrifoodstuffs, filters, concrete, ceramics, polymer composites, detergent tablets ... Theconference will also address natural porous media such as soils, aquifers, and reservoirs as well as biologicaltissues and plants.


►Up-scaling in porous media
►Thin porous media
►Swelling porous media
►Advanced numerical modeling
&#9658ore-scale modeling
► Biological porous media
►Heat transfer in porous media
►Multiphysics & coupled phenomena
►Experimental techniques for porous media research
►Imaging applied to porous media
►Dispersion and reactive transport
►Multiphase flow in porous media
►CO2 sequestration - Nuclear waste storage

Important dates:
Submission deadline:October 1st, 2010
Notification to authors:November 30th, 2010
Early registration:Till January 17th, 2011

Website: http://interpore2011.u-bordeaux.fr/
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