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[计算分析] 帮帮忙!

发表于 2010-10-9 10:31:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏苏州
各位大侠 帮我看看呗!
config gwflow ats
grid 251,90
gen 0.0,0.0 0.0,30.0 144.0,30.0 144.0,0.0 i 1 145 j 1 31
m e i=1,144 j=1,30
gen 144.0,0.0 144.0,30.0 250.0,30.0 250.0,0.0 i 146 252 j 1 31
m e i=146,251 j=1,30
gen 0.0,30.0 0.0,90.0 144.0,90.0 144.0,30.0 i 1 145 j 31 91
m e i=1,144 j=31,90
gen 144.0,30.0 144.0,90.0 250.0,90.0 250.0,30.0 i 146 252 j 31 91
m e i=146,251 j=31,90
attach aside from 145 51 to 145 1 bside from 146 51 to 146 1
struct node 1501 144.0 50.0
struct node 1500 144.0 90.0
struct beam beg node 1500 end node 1501 prop 1001 seg 40
struct prop 1001
int 101 as from 145,51 to 145,91 bs from node 1500 to node 1501
int 102 as from 146,91 to 146,51 bs from node 1501 to node 1500
interface 101 unglued kn=41.36e6 ks=15.1e6 cohesion=12050 dilation=0.0 friction=26.125 tbond=0.0 bslip=off
interface 102 unglued kn=41.36e6 ks=15.1e6 cohesion=12050 dilation=0.0 friction=26.125 tbond=0.0 bslip=off
struct prop 1001 e 2.50e10 area 0.87 I 0.06
group 'xujuan:nt' notnull j 1 20
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:nt'
prop density=1900 shea=19.86e6 bul=8.625e6 cohesion=12000 friction=32 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:nt'
group 'xujuan:sf1' notnull j 21 28
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:sf1'
prop density=1880 shea=21.625e6 bul=9.39e6 cohesion=5500 friction=31.5 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:sf1'
group 'xujuan:fn' notnull j 29 36
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:fn'
prop density=1840 shea=7.18e6 bul=3.12e6 cohesion=15000 friction=26 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:fn'
group 'xujuan:sf2' notnull j 37 42
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:sf2'
prop density=1850 shea=19.46e6 bul=8.45e cohesion=3500 friction=31 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:sf2'
group 'xujuan:sfhh' notnull j 42 78
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:sfhh'
prop density=1830 shea=7.021e6 bul=3.128e6 cohesion=13100 friction=24.325 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:sfhh'
group 'xujuan:shazhifentu3' notnull j 79 83
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:shazhifentu3'
prop density=1840 shea=21.865521e6 bul=12.2040116e6 cohesion=2000 friction=32.5 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:shazhifentu3'
group 'xujuan:fenzhiniantu6' notnull j 84 86
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:fenzhiniantu6'
prop density=1870 shea=5.4813397e6 bul=2.3124402e6 cohesion=16000 friction=25.5 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:fenzhiniantu6'
group 'xujuan:fenzhiniantu7' notnull j 87 89
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:fenzhiniantu7'
prop density=1930 shea=5.0713077e6 bul=2.07819053e cohesion=40000 friction=17 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:fenzhiniantu7'
group 'xujuan:tiantu' notnull j 90
mo mo notnull group 'xujuan:tiantu'
prop density=1800 shea=4.39394e6 bul=1.90789474e6 cohesion=0 friction=20 dilation=0 tension=0.0 notnull group 'xujuan:tiantu'
prop por=0.5 perm=4E-10 notnull j 1 20
prop por=0.5 perm=5.1E-11 notnull j 21 28
prop por=0.5 perm=3.12E-11 notnull j 29 36
prop por=0.5 perm=7.14E-10 notnull j 37 42
prop por=0.5 perm=1.37E-10 notnull j 43 78
prop por=0.5 perm=6.1e-10 notnull j 79 83
prop por=0.5 perm=7e-11 notnull j 84 86
prop por=0.5 perm=6.10e-12 notnull j 87 89
prop por=0.5 perm=6e-12 notnull j 90
fix x y j 1
fix x i 1
fix x i 252
set gravity=10
set flow=off
ini syy -1663400 var 0.0 372000 j 1 20
ini syy -1291400 var 0.0 150400 j 21 28
ini syy -1141000 var 0.0 147200 j 29 36
ini syy -993800 var 0.0 111000 j 37 42
ini syy -882800 var 0.0 658800 j 43 78
ini syy -224000 var 0.0 92000.0 j 79 83
ini syy -132000 var 0.0 56100 j 84 86
ini syy -75900 var 0.0 57900 j 87 89
ini syy -18000 var 0.0 18000.0 j 90
ini sxx -831700 var 0.0 186000 j 1 20
ini sxx -645700 var 0.0 75200 j 21 28
ini sxx -570500 var 0.0 73600 j 29 36
ini sxx -496900 var 0.0 55500 j 37 42
ini sxx -441400 var 0.0 329400 j 43 78
ini sxx -112000 var 0.0 46000 j 79 83
ini sxx -66000 var 0.0 28050.0 j 84 86
ini sxx -37950 var 0.0 28950.0 j 87 89
ini sxx -9000 var 0.0 9000.0 j 90
ini szz -831700 var 0.0 186000 j 1 20
ini szz -645700 var 0.0 75200 j 21 28
ini szz -570500 var 0.0 73600 j 29 36
ini szz -496900 var 0.0 55500 j 37 42
ini szz -441400 var 0.0 329400 j 43 78
ini szz -837400 var 0.0 725400 j 1 78
ini szz -112000 var 0.0 46000 j 79 83
ini szz -66000 var 0.0 28050.0 j 84 86
ini szz -37950 var 0.0 28950.0 j 87 89
ini szz -9000 var 0.0 9000.0 j 90
history 999 unbalanced
set flow=on
water bulk=10000.0
water density=1000.0
set echo off
; directory is changed to call file in case of nested calls
set cd name C:\Program Files\Itasca\flac500\gui\fishlib\Groundwater
call Ininv.fis
set cd back
set wth=90 k0x=0.5 k0z=0.5
fix pp j 91
fix pp i 1
fix pp i 252
fix saturation j 91
struct prop 1001 density 2500.0
set flow=off
water bulk=0.0
initial xdisp 0 ydisp 0
initial xvel 0 yvel 0
initial saturation 0.0 i 146 252 j 83 91
initial pp 0.0 i 146 252 j 83 91
fix saturation i 146 252 j 83 91
free pp i 252 j 1 82
free pp i 1 145 j 91
free saturation i 1 145 j 91
set flow=on
water bulk=10000.0
set gwtime=0.0
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