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[结构分析] 何谓 ~ 线性结构体 (line body) ?

发表于 2011-1-15 18:44:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 台湾
Bolt Pretension

Available for 3-D simulations only.

Applies a pretension load to a cylindrical face, to a straight edge of a line body, to a single body, or to multiple bodies, typically to model a bolt under pretension. If you apply the Bolt Pretension load to a body, you will need to have a local Coordinate System object in the tree. The application of the load will be at the origin and along the z-axis of the local coordinate system. You can place the coordinate system anywhere in the body and reorient the z-axis.

Another option for applying the load to a line body is to apply it to a single straight edge on the body. The direction of the bolt load is inferred from the direction of the edge.


Another option for applying the load to a line body is to apply it to a single straight edge on the body.


何谓 ~ 线性结构体 (line body) ?
发表于 2011-1-15 18:48:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏扬州
line body:线体
surface body:面体
solid body:实体
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发表于 2011-1-15 18:54:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏扬州
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-15 21:43:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自 台湾
jackie.lee 发表于 2011-1-15 18:54

梁应该归类为 solid body:实体

在此为何是 line body:线体
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发表于 2011-1-15 21:48:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏扬州
梁应该归类为 solid body:实体

在此为何是 line body:线体
SANYAN68 发表于 2011-1-15 21:43

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