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[基础理论与数据] Finite Element Based Fatigue Calculations电子书

发表于 2011-4-22 11:30:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 江苏苏州


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发表于 2011-4-24 22:45:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江哈尔滨
本帖最后由 masher 于 2011-4-24 22:46 编辑 - Z/ o, V- j# ~. g$ N7 P
& m+ u. k* }0 B
Contents7 R2 [6 ~5 B, u6 {0 X" w* D6 ~
1 Introduction 1
0 L) p" B% k( R' n" J$ S6 _  y% _2 Why FEA Based Fatigue Design? 5
. m  x4 n$ b6 w! S5 h* X2.1 The Elements of a Life Estimation System. 5
4 K( ~/ i, @* Q# i* K2 S2.2 An Overview of the FEA Based Fatigue Environment 8/ B! u+ g$ Z3 V& o9 [
2.3 FE Hints and Tips – Why FEA 12+ z# v6 N& |0 W0 X
3 Different Philosophies and Life Estimation Models. 15# C5 Y# |9 m" [) L( }
3.1 Design Philosophies 15" B0 M8 b! o$ A$ p2 O
3.1.1 Safe-Life. 15& N6 u  o% f& k! M
3.1.2 Fail-Safe. 16( a3 P0 I2 H! Q) l
3.1.3 Damage-Tolerant. 16
- a# h& r& h* [4 I8 Z$ l: ~3.1.4 Integrated Durability Management 17* o4 _; U. C" ?, c2 e5 c
3.2 Life Prediction Methods 17
+ d1 a' L0 s' w2 @6 _( }3.2.1 Stress-Life (S-N, or Nominal Stress) Approach. 18
6 A' p- z; a' [6 f3.2.2 Strain-Life (Crack-Initiation or Critical-Location Approach) 19, V/ Z0 X# \0 J% b0 M5 K. p, }; l9 X
3.2.3 Crack Propagation Models. 20" w7 p2 Q; h) o3 G7 b
3.3 Linking Life Estimation Methods With Design Philosophies. 20
$ ~" D& ?( n+ e3.4 FE Hints and Tips – Alternative Philosophies 21
% t8 P, Y& F/ Z$ W2 Y0 ^6 @8 F6 o4 The Stress-Life (S-N) Approach. 23
( G3 F1 O5 t6 E4.1 Defining Stress Cycles 23
$ D7 D, a- u" o  b% O6 ^% s/ I4.2 The S-N Curve 249 f, T; q" R% s8 J. U$ n! q
4.3 Limits of the S-N Curve 26
2 ]4 `" Z  G! f: T4.4 The Role of Stress Concentration. 26
7 D# V" P& Y" `6 q2 c2 i  |/ ]4.4.1 Example: Simple Fatigue Strength Estimates 28
" l% W- ~$ f# s# o! [7 {, l/ _4.5 The Influence of Mean Stress 29  l; C7 V+ v0 P/ {0 j9 ^
4.5.1 Example: Correcting For Mean Stress Effects 318 H' P+ @' _/ t3 o9 ]# `4 L0 O0 @
4.6 Variable Amplitude Response – Block Loading and Palmgren-Miner 33
1 i* A8 E) g4 ^) I" F( E4.6.1 Example: Palmgren-Miner Cumulative Damage Calculation 342 T8 k1 }7 S/ M  I+ t
4.7 Variable Amplitude Loading – Rainflow Cycle Counting 355 E9 A% H: {3 A! ^
4.7.1 Presentation of Rainflow Counts 371 c- r; m  B* k& X% c
4.7.2 Example: Rainflow Cycle Counting 37
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发表于 2011-4-24 22:45:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江哈尔滨
4.8 Material and Component S-N Curves 38
* K6 }" S& d2 M2 z8 Y- W" k4.8.1 Material S-N Curves 39& W' t8 ^. L& \4 J
4.8.2 Component S-N Curves 394 ~, P# ]+ r' v' m# J. F
4.9 FE Hints and Tips – S-N approach 41' S# R( G) r9 W1 S* a
4.9.1 Component S-N Curves 41
- v; \) h0 D3 z7 v/ I4.9.2 Nodal vs Element Averaging 41
" d  c  G. |, d4.9.3 Spot Welds 42
) e8 ]6 ^- @; y2 ~4 v% x$ ^" N& F4.9.4 Welds 42
. \) c9 R3 S& @7 K3 `7 \4.9.5 KT and Kf Values Within an FE Model 448 w; S- l- c+ U, [2 z. k
5 The Strain-Life (e-N) Approach. 45
! Q( _' z2 k- T4 l5.1 The Stress-Strain Curve 47" n3 E: v, v& ?
5.1.1 Elastic and Plastic Strain. 47
1 O8 U( I' \/ D8 z9 P4 E  {5.1.2 Cyclic Stress-Strain Behaviour 49
* O. k4 j$ U+ b6 R7 B$ Q5.1.3 Cyclic Loading Under Strain Control 50
# a) n6 ]+ x8 E5.1.4 Hysteresis Loop Shape 50
% i3 t/ ^- p2 @8 t' w8 e& E5.1.5 Example: Calculating Cyclic Stress-Strain Response 51& D& `# O( D% w8 W7 z. k
5.1.6 Estimating a Strain-Time History. 547 s- {3 l3 q* e- ]  U) s
5.1.7 Retaining Mean Stress Information 56
- V& c8 x# d7 M) ^# b& Z# V3 ]1 D9 T5.2 The Strain-Life Curve 57& [8 x! V) I0 S7 m0 d
5.2.1 The Effect of Mean Stress 60- K. K. J# x* Y! i
5.2.2 The Morrow Mean Stress Correction 60
5 n3 I6 U. E9 x5.3 FE Hints and Tips – e-N Approach 61% C1 p/ K7 E* C" m2 y/ K
5.3.1 Element vs Nodal Results 61* U3 B9 C2 U9 I4 [- a2 @
5.3.2 Weld Analysis, Component Material Curves and Composites 61) o, y- b, Q7 S
6 Crack Propagation Analysis Using LEFM 63
& m1 i4 l+ ^+ V6.1 How Fatigue Cracks Start 63
! w6 `1 X4 P3 C6.2 The Concept of Stress Intensity 64* {3 _5 c. }  a' k0 Q0 p
6.3 Fatigue Crack-Propagation and LEFM 66
+ i1 a5 W7 G& R1 a6.4 Stresss Intensity Factor K Versus Compliance-Function Y 68  x% N) \  V* w! W+ v/ r6 _8 D) Z0 M
6.5 What is the Meaning of “Nominal Stress” as Used With a Compliance-  j) l6 A" Q4 b
Function in FE Based Crack Growth Calculations? 696 G  `7 n$ q2 C) g) _
6.6 What is the Role of FEA in Generating Compliance-Functions? 70
. W% o9 J) i$ T  }6.7 Using Fracture Mechanics in Damage-Tolerant Design. 70
! Q0 E3 _$ a* o7 D6.8 Example: A Simple Damage-Tolerant Design Calculation 721 B1 n" r7 I' `2 k
6.9 Example: Solving the Box for Fatigue Crack Growth Assessments 73
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发表于 2011-4-24 22:46:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江哈尔滨
6.10 Aircraft Engine Mounting Lug FE Based Fatigue Analysis 751 c/ U. V+ X5 C1 {
6.10.1 S-N Analysis 75
; {2 L1 w  }: u6.10.2 Crack Growth Prediction 77; s7 e/ J1 S, o. P. U  x0 |) }
6.11 FE Hints and Tips – Crack Growth 79+ I: `: I2 o. M2 l: g4 a+ g5 E
6.11.1 The Use of Crack Tip Elements 791 w! P# \2 ^* l; U
6.11.2 Picking a Nominal Stress 79, ?/ X0 t/ w- y" ]$ y8 Z
7 Multi-axial Fatigue Analysis. 81
3 g- i$ E$ S7 z& }8 @7.1 Multi-axial Stress-Strain States 81
& A3 Y# T2 K& F& o7.1.1 Separate Tensile and Torsion Loading 820 B- f& X1 o" v) f8 Y
7.1.2 Combined Tensile and Torsional Loading 84% C! l+ U+ X8 z+ O
7.2 Characterisation of Stress States 844 ]1 k& X9 i; v) e' g
7.3 Proportional Multi-axial Responses 877 w/ Y, @' l. n2 ~
7.4 Equivalent Stress-Strain Approaches 89
$ P: n$ m& K  a1 }9 }0 U3 L7.5 Dealing with Non-Proportional Responses 90. Q4 Y0 C. g9 H  F: U* D5 @
7.6 FE Hints and Tips – Multi Axial Fatigue 923 {) h0 ^7 e& X! A* ?! z# n
7.6.1 3D, 2D and 1D Models 92/ x  e( W# I: d& z
7.6.2 Multi Modal Response to Single Input Loading 92
; |, |. C, z! k+ J7.6.3 Summary 92
: i; F5 D4 N7 w5 W: V8 Vibration Fatigue Analysis. 939 l( ], U8 K: m& _  l
8.1 Alternative Descriptions of Engineering Processes 93
# S0 d1 ~6 l. }  f8.1.1 What is the Frequency Domain? 95
6 _: ]* F* Z2 W  o2 o8.1.2 What is a Power Spectral Density (PSD)? 96) B4 x& H3 J# w% N! @5 O& V
8.2 Characterization of Engineering Processes Using Statistical Measures 96
  J" A. Z+ c( N" x8.2.1 Time Histories & PSDs 96
4 |; U) r. `2 W$ O. h4 v8.2.2 Expected Zeros, Peaks and Irregularity Factor 97) q/ Q; ]- h" i  G5 ~
8.2.3 Moments From a PSD 98! g6 M! t- C1 M( c7 n4 |
8.2.4 Expected Zeros, Peaks and Irregularity Factor From a PSD. 991 P% c+ P! }* O
8.2.5 What is The Transfer Function? 99
& C' F' S" C8 ]$ Q9 M) s8.3 What is a Modal Transient (Superposition) Fatigue Analysis? 101" c5 n3 v3 h# y9 j. ?
8.4 Fatigue Life Estimation From PSDs 102
' Z$ h. D- e. Z" C8.4.1 Time Domain Stress-Life Fatigue Life Estimation 102
4 g4 h& e  F5 t, F  i- N8.4.2 S-N Relationship 1033 F" Q: B0 m1 H0 x8 L* h! }
8.4.3 Estimating Fatigue Life From a Stress pdf 103
5 \  r, T" g4 c% o7 ~8.4.4 The Frequency Domain Model 103
# S" T4 W3 R. t6 |& g2 E/ v8.4.5 Narrow Band Solution 1045 l5 h8 `1 Z( O6 Y9 T4 y
8.4.6 Empirical Correction Factors (Tunna, Wirsching, Hancock, Chaudhury1 [/ w: S% R0 R2 p# J- A- r
and Dover) 1065 c& J% {9 w) `& f" w' H/ Z% U& x8 ~
8.4.7 Dirlik’s Empirical Solution for Rainflow Ranges 106
- V8 o0 R* H) |8.4.8 Bishop’s Theoretical Solution for Rainflow Ranges 107
& a( K- O* d* y# p4 t% F: \4 C8.4.9 Clipping Ratio as a Function of rms 107$ V- J* Q1 ~- y/ k  B' M
8.5 A Simple Vibration Fatigue Hand Calculation 107% }; H% v8 }& U/ v* b1 J( T( c, D
8.5.1 Time Domain By Hand. 108
! l+ p* r' C  d  y; C; h) M8.5.2 Frequency Domain By Hand. 109! q7 D+ H) T! g+ j3 M; V, w/ m9 W. o
8.5.3 Computer Based Calculations Using MSC.Fatigue 109
( |& A3 F- H7 k8.6 An FEA Based Example 1102 D! f% B' q! |  g6 M* r4 p6 a6 K9 W
8.7 FE Hints and Tips – Vibration Fatigue 1109 k* |$ o4 k2 X6 u0 u
8.7.1 Calculation of Frequency Response Function (Transfer Function) 1108 b9 W6 i4 V% b: R) x5 g
8.7.2 Verifying Vibration Fatigue Results 112  B9 a$ }8 \# H0 j6 f
9 FE Model Building and Post Processing Issues. 113
3 x; m: I' F+ Y) Z4 f9.1 Introduction 113
. A5 l/ h  b, B9.2 Process Issues 113
# k" U, f. c" m3 ^9.3 Model Building 117
0 D$ p/ e$ R  r6 L; u, D6 i9.3.1 Requirements 117
; K0 r+ d+ `: h$ J; i) [6 s6 ]9.3.2 Observations 118, u7 U2 {% `7 D3 B+ y% w
9.3.3 H vs P-type element choice 119
! l' K' R9 b/ Y2 s+ l" K8 c# y# T9.4 Meshing 120$ Q+ B5 _7 a* Q3 W& _9 B. Y7 J
9.5 Dealing with Loads. 1204 s5 ~$ r3 d9 s* {( L: z
9.6 FEA Based Global Analysis Options 121
* N; y8 o8 L7 T0 ~* ~/ {& i9 s9.6.1 Analysis Options 1211 ^9 }0 w8 b) o
9.6.2 FE Results output type 1238 j7 Z1 W8 K2 c0 V' B" A
9.7 FE Based Local Analysis Options 123
. b2 ^/ q3 J6 v0 x* m9.7.1 What is “Absolute Maximum Principal” Stress and “Signed Von Mises”?/ S$ A- K; a* z; E4 w
1238 a; o, U, e0 R, D. h" I- o. `
9.7.2 The Choice of Element Centroid Versus Nodal Results 124
8 N* u7 l) r3 [! \9.8 Pre Processing of Loading Data 125* G  ]4 _& b' z+ o& M% y" K+ A9 V
9.9 Post Processing of FE Based Fatigue Results. 1251 ~2 e  h# h' Y7 ~6 y
9.10 Accuracy of Fatigue Life Estimates 127
& n: x  O1 o- V0 [2 B4 P( H2 n9.11 General Conclusions 128
/ \$ R" a9 z- j* c10 Bibliography 129
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发表于 2011-5-27 00:15:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江嘉兴
不错 多谢分享好资料
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发表于 2011-5-29 08:46:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 大连理工大学
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发表于 2011-6-2 21:31:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
很好的资料 下来看看
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发表于 2011-6-3 09:41:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
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发表于 2011-6-8 09:39:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
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发表于 2011-6-9 15:22:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
不错 多谢分享好资料
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发表于 2011-6-17 09:46:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 四川成都
谢谢楼主了    听学长说的这本书必学    找了很久了   谢谢
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发表于 2011-6-17 18:07:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
下了 慢慢看
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发表于 2011-6-17 22:39:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江嘉兴
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发表于 2011-6-18 13:37:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自 浙江杭州
不错 多谢分享好资料
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