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[CFX/ICEMCFD] 【如何在iSight中集成CFX】

发表于 2011-5-16 08:10:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 新疆

  在iSight中集成CFX分三步:pre solve post,具体代码示例如下:

(1) Pre(下列代码作适当修改,保存为*.bat,在iSight中调用即可,2-Solver、3-Post亦同):

if exist *.def del *.def
if exist *.res del *.res
if exist *.out del *.out
if exist *.lock del *.lock

"D:\Ansys Inc\CFX\CFX-10.0\bin\cfx5pre.exe" -batch missile.pre
"D:\Ansys Inc\CFX\CFX-10.0\bin\cfx5pre.exe" -cfx missile.cfx -gtm missile.gtm

(2) Solver:

"D:\Ansys Inc\CFX\CFX-10.0\bin\cfx5solve.exe" -definition missile.def

(3) Post:

"D:\Ansys Inc\CFX\CFX-10.0\bin\cfx5export.exe" -ansysfsi -name missile_ansysfsi -eltype 154 -regions "Domain 1 Default" Missile_001.res

"D:\Ansys Inc\CFX\CFX-10.0\bin\cfx5post.exe" -session missile.cse


1) 把CFX工作目录设置为当前工作文件目录;

2) 关于.pre文件的说明:
Session Files (.pre)
Session files are used by CFX-Pre to record CFX Command Language (CCL) commands executed during a session. The commands can be played back at a later date to reproduce the session. These files are in ASCII format and can be edited or written in a text editor.
New Session Command
When a session file is not currently being recorded, you can select Session > New Session. This opens the Set Session File dialog box where you can enter a file name for your session file. Once you have saved the file, it becomes the current session file. Commands are not written to the file until you select Session > Start Recording.
Browse to the directory in which you wish to create the session file, and then enter a name for the file ending with a .pre (CFX-Pre) extension.
Click Save to create the file.
This will not start recording to the session file. To do this, you must select Session > Start Recording.
Session files must not contain > undo commands. These commands would produce errors when playing back the session file.
If you create more than one session file during a CFX-Pre session, the most recently created file is the current session file by default. You can set a different file to be the current session file by selecting an existing file from the New Session > Set Session File window and then clicking Save Because the file exists, a warning dialog box appears:
If you select Overwrite, the existing session file is deleted and a new file is created in its place.
If you select Append, commands will be added to the end of the existing session file when recording begins.
By default, CFX-Pre does not continuously write commands to a session file while you are working on your simulation. You can change a setting in Edit > Options so that a session file is recorded by default. If a session file is being recorded by CFX-Pre, whether by default or intentionally, a new session file cannot be recorded. You can stop the recording of the current session file by selecting Session > Stop Recording.

使用CCL文件的一种方法:cfx5solve  -def  model  -ccl  yourccl,可以实现自定义输出。

(3) 如果cfx11或者更高版本不能与iSight集成,在iSight里面选上restore 那个选项再试试。

(4) 要注意CFX和iSight的perl版本要兼容,最好是一样的,如果出现问题,网上有相关解决办法,查找看下。
发表于 2011-5-16 10:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 广东深圳
相当于命令行方式启动cfx,现在这些集成软件太多了,model center呀,nosesis呀,方式都大同小异
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-17 11:02:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自 陕西西安
2# LOGO213 嗯,这样很方便。
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发表于 2011-6-4 16:03:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自 江苏扬州
能否解释下post中-ansysfsi -name missile_ansysfsi -eltype 154 -regions "Domain 1 Default" Missile_001.res这个指令代表的意思呢,谢谢。
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