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发表于 2011-8-22 17:35:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 陕西西安
本帖最后由 lijianmin 于 2011-8-22 17:48 编辑

*** ERROR ***                           CP =      17.109   TIME= 17:01:45
A type 1 topology optimization element has been detected referring to   
an element type which is not supported for topological optimization.   
The TODEF command is ignored.                                          

*** ERROR ***                           CP =      17.125   TIME= 17:01:46
Topological optimization is not active (issue the TODEF command).      

2.2.2. Select the Element Types

Topological optimization supports 2-D planar and 3-D solid elements. To use this technique, your model must contain only the following element types:
2-D Solids: PLANE182 or PLANE183
3-D Solids: SOLID186 or SOLID187
The 2-D elements should be used for plane stress or axisymmetric applications.
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