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[建议区] 求助 pu仿真错误

发表于 2011-8-25 15:48:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 大连理工大学

SOLVC   Iteration stopped due to connecting body >5@01

SOLVC   Iteration stopped due to connecting body >8@01

$ Error (Code 871001)

        The iteration in this time step is diverging and a reduction of the
        time step size is not possible.
        The calculation must be stopped.
        User action: (1) Decrease the minimum (and maximum if necessary) time step size.
                     (2) Decrease the accuracy parameters for the calculation
                         to increase the stability of the solution procedure.
                         (I.e. decrease RESCTR EPSU ... EPSR ... EPSE ...)
                     (3) Check your calculation model.
                     (4) If this occurs near the calculation start,
                         check the initial conditions of your model.
                     (5) Check the Finte Element models of the bodies for
                         - small masses and moments of inertia
                           (esp. at reference points)
                         - small stiffness coefficients
                         - errors in the definitions of the degrees of freedom
                           (e.g. displacements in local coordinate systems)

$ EXCITE-7.0 - terminated abnormally!

$ FLEXlm Info: checking out license excite_crankshaft 7.0
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