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发表于 2004-2-2 16:15:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 武汉大学
《98 out of 99 licenses remain available》
FXGContextEx::create():uglcreatecontext() failed
abaqus error:abaqus/cae kernel exited with an error
发表于 2004-2-2 17:05:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 日本

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

pls upload your verification msg by the following command:
abaqus verify -all
and then post this verify file here.;)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-2 19:04:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 武汉大学

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

C:\Temp>abaqus verify -all
ABAQUS Product Install Verification...
Thu Jan 22 19:01:54 2004
Running system requirement checks.
Requirement:    Windows 2000 or Windows XP
Product:        All ABAQUS Products
Status:         Pass - Found Microsoft Windows XP Professional  (Build
Requirement:    Checking system settings to improve performance
Product:        ABAQUS/Explicit
Status:         Warning - You may be able to improve the performance of
                ABAQUS/Explicit on this system.  For details, see:
Requirement:    Default web browser should be Internet Explorer 5.5 or
                Netscape 6.0 or greater
Product:        ABAQUS/Online Documentation
Status:         Pass - Found Internet Explorer 6.0.2600.0
Requirement:    Fortran compiler command
Product:        ABAQUS/User Subroutines and ABAQUS/Make with Fortran
Status:         Pass - Found Fortran compiler command.
Requirement:    C++ compiler command
Product:        ABAQUS/Make
Status:         Pass - Found C++ compiler command.
WARNING: Verification for all selected products will be attempted, but some
         products may fail because of the indicated system deficiencies.
Making C:\Temp\verify. All verification files will reside in this directory.
ABAQUS/Standard with User Subroutines
            ABAQUS did not complete successfully.
           &nbsplease see std_user.log for details.
ABAQUS/Explicit (single precision)
ABAQUS/Explicit (double precision)
ABAQUS/Explicit with User Subroutines (single precision)
            ABAQUS did not complete successfully.
            Please see xpl_user_sp.log for details.
ABAQUS/Explicit with User Subroutines (double precision)
            ABAQUS did not complete successfully.
            Please see xpl_user_dp.log for details.
            ABAQUS did not complete successfully.
            Please see Viewer.log for details.
            Turning off hardware acceleration may correct the
            problem. See ABAQUS Online Support System Answer
            1249 for details.
            ABAQUS did not complete successfully.
            Please see CAE.log for details.
            Turning off hardware acceleration may correct the
            problem. See ABAQUS Online Support System Answer
            1249 for details.
Elysium direct translator for CATIA V4
            ABAQUS/CAE verification failed. Verification
            procedure will be skipped.
Elysium translator plug-in for CATIA V5
            ABAQUS/CAE verification failed. Verification
            procedure will be skipped.
Elysium translator plug-in for I-DEAS
            ABAQUS/CAE verification failed. Verification
            procedure will be skipped.
Elysium direct translator for Parasolid
            ABAQUS/CAE verification failed. Verification
            procedure will be skipped.
Elysium translator plug-in for Pro/ENGINEER
            ABAQUS/CAE verification failed. Verification
            procedure will be skipped.
ABAQUS Interface for MSC.ADAMS
ABAQUS/Standard Parametric Study
ABAQUS/Explicit Parametric Study
ABAQUS/Make with Fortran
            ABAQUS did not complete successfully.
            Please see fortran_make.log for details.
ABAQUS/Make with C++
            ABAQUS did not complete successfully.
            Please see cpp_make.log for details.
ABAQUS/Make with Object Code
            ABAQUS/Make with C++ failed. Verification procedure
            will be skipped.
ABAQUS/Scripting Interface
ABAQUS/Explicit with MPI-based Parallelization
            Product is not available on this platform.
Job files exist. Verification directory C:\Temp\verify will not be deleted.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-2 19:07:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 武汉大学

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

发表于 2004-2-2 21:01:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

如果是Nvidia的显卡,看看驱动:NVIDIA 显卡高于40.00的驱动版本不兼容,同时还可能和其他的显卡不兼容,请参阅官方网站的相关说明,可以改用40.00以下版本的驱动,或者关掉硬件加速,当然这样会降低运行效率。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-2 21:14:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 武汉大学

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

ABAQUS License Manager checked out the following license(s):
"cae" version 6.4 from zwj
<98 out of 99 licenses remain available>.
FXGLContextEx::create(): wglCreateContext() failed.
ABAQUS Error: ABAQUS/CAE Kernel exited with an error.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-2 21:49:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 武汉大学

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

谢谢wjytj 大侠,我已经把驱动版本改为了31.40,可还有硬件加速问题的提示,为什么啊?
下面是std-user.log xpl-user-dp.log fortran_make.log
ABAQUS JOB std_user
ABAQUS version 6.4-1
Begin Compiling ABAQUS/Standard User Subroutines
1/20/2004 2:57:14 PM
ABAQUS Error: Problem during compilation - df.exe not found in PATH.
ABAQUS/Analysis exited with errors
ABAQUS JOB xpl_user_dp
ABAQUS version 6.4-1
Begin Compiling Double Precision ABAQUS/Explicit User Subroutines
1/20/2004 2:57:44 PM
ABAQUS Error: Problem during compilation - df.exe not found in PATH.
ABAQUS/Analysis exited with errors
ABAQUS JOB fortran_make
Begin Compiling User Post-Processing Program
1/22/2004 9:40:30 PM
Compiling: C:\Temp\verify\fortran_make.for
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ython/driver/make.py", line 887, in ?
  File "Python/driver/application.py", line 119, in run
  File "Python/driver/make.py", line 104, in execute
  File "Python/driver/make.py", line 447, in compile
  File "Python/HKS/uti/impl/uti.py", line 34, in spawnAndWait
ValueError: df.exe not found in PATH.
ABAQUS License Manager checked out the following license(s):
"viewer" version 6.4 from zwj
<98 out of 99 licenses remain available>.
FXGLContextEx::create(): wglCreateContext() failed.
ABAQUS Error: ABAQUS/CAE Kernel exited with an error.
ABAQUS Error: ABAQUS/Viewer exited with an error
发表于 2004-2-2 22:47:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

编辑abaqus_dir\6.4-PR11\site\graphicsConfig.env, 修改倒数第4行:  
hardwareAcceleration = hardwareAcceleration <---change this to OFF
std-user.log xpl-user-dp.log fortran_make.log出现的信息表明你未安装VC和VF或者其环境变量设置存在问题,请查看以往帖子。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-2 23:31:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自 武汉大学

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

发表于 2004-2-2 23:46:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖北武汉

回复: 【讨论】求教大侠们安装中出现的问题

bahjian 该用户已被删除
发表于 2004-2-12 00:19:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 德国
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