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[工程实例] 初学flac遇到问题

发表于 2010-5-22 13:07:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 安徽黄山
; excavarion and support for a shallow tunnel
; generate primitive components of grid
; concrete liner-upper tunnel
gen zon cshell p0 0 0 0 p1 7 0 0 p2 0 51 0 p3 0 0 5.5 &
     dim 5 5 5 5 size 2 51 10
group 'concrete liner'
; upper tunnel
gen zon cyl p0 0 0 0 p1 5 0 0 p2 0 51 0 p3 0 0 5 &
      size 5 51 10
group tunnel range group 'concrete liner' not
; lower tunnel & liner
gen zone brick p0 0 0 -4.5 p1 add 7 0 0 p2 add 0 0 4.5 &
     size 7 51 3
; surrounding rock (10 primitives)
gen zon radcyl p0 0 0 0 p1 27 0 0 p2 0 51 0 p3 0 0 25 &
     dim 7 5.5 7 5.5 size 5 51 10 8 rat 1 1 1 1.3
gen zone brick p0 7 0 -4.5 p1 27 0 -15 p2 add 0 51 0 p3 0 0 -4.5 &
      p4 27 51 -15 p5 7 51 0 p6 27 0 0 p7 27 51 0 &
      size 8 51 3 ratio 1.3 1 1
gen zone brick p0 0 0 -15 p1 add 27 0 0 p2 add 0 51 0 p3 0 0 -4.5 &
      p4 27 51 -15 p5 0 51 -4.5 p6 7 0 -4.5 p7 7 51 -4.5 &
      size 7 51 8 rat 1 1 0.7692307692307692
gen zon brick p0 0 0 25 p1 add 27 0 0 p2 add 0 51 0 p3 add 0 0 10 &
     size 5 51 2
gen zon brick p0 27 0 25 p1 add 17 0 0 p2 add 0 51 0 p3 add 0 0 10 &
     size 2 51 2 rat 2 1 1
gen zon brick p0 27 0 -15 p1 add 17 0 0 p2 add 0 51 0 p3 add 0 0 40 &
     size 2 51 8 rat 2 1 1
gen zon brick p0 27 0 -40 p1 add 17 0 0 p2 add 0 51 0 p3 add 0 0 25 &
     size 2 51 2 rat 2 1 0.5
gen zon brick p0 0 0 -40 p1 add 27 0 0 p2 add 0 51 0 p3 add 0 0 25 &
     size 7 51 2 rat 1 1 0.5
; assign names to groups of zones
group rock range group 'concrete liner' not group tunnel not
; assign Mohr-Coulomb material model
mo mohr
pro bulk 50e6 she 18e6 fric 20 coh 25e3 ten 0 dill 0 range z 25 35
pro bulk 4e8 she 1.5e8 fric 20 coh 50e3 ten 5e3 dill 3 range z -50 25
;  assign boundary conditions
fix x range x -.1 .1
fix x range x 43.9 44.1
fix z range z -40.1 -39.9
fix y range y -.1 .1
fix y range y 50.9 51.1
; assign initial stress state
set grav 0 0 -10
ini density 2200
ini szz -770e3 grad 0 0 22000
ini sxx -770e3 grad 0 0 22000
ini syy -385e3 grad 0 0 11000
; monitor variables in model
hist unbal
hist gp zdisp 0 0 5.5
hist gp xdisp 7 0 0
hist gp zdisp 0 0 0
hist gp zdisp 0 0 35
hist gp zdisp 0 30 5.5
hist gp xdisp 7 30 0
hist gp zdisp 0 30 0
hist gp zdisp 0 30 35
hist gp zdisp 0 12 35
hist gp zdisp 0 18 35
hist gp zdisp 0 24 35
hist gp zdisp 0 36 35
hist gp zdisp 5 30 35
hist gp zdisp 10 30 35
sav geoml.sav
def conc_parm
  bmc = 20.7e9
  smc = 12.6e9
; define the locations of cable patterns 1,2 and 3
def cab_parm
  array x_b(4,3), z_b(4,3)
  y0 = -3
  x_b(1,1) = 0.8
  x_b(2,1) = 2.1
  x_b(3,1) = 3.5
  x_b(4,1) = 5.5
  z_b(1,1) = 5.5
  z_b(2,1) = 2.4
  z_b(3,1) = 4.7
  z_b(4,1) = 1.5
  x_b(1,2) = 0.8
  x_b(2,2) = 0.8
  x_b(3,2) = 3.5
  x_b(4,2) = 5.5
  z_b(1,2) = 0.6
  z_b(2,2) = 4.0
  z_b(3,2) = 2.4
  z_b(4,2) = 0.6
  x_b(1,3) = 0.8
  x_b(2,3) = 2.6
  x_b(3,3) = 5.0
  x_b(4,3) = 3.5
  z_b(1,3) = 2.4
  z_b(2,3) = 4.0
  z_b(3,3) = 3.0
  z_b(4,3) = 0.6
def inip
  x1 = x_b(1,iidx)
  x2 = x_b(2,iidx)
  x3 = x_b(3,iidx)
  x4 = x_b(4,iidx)
  z1 = z_b(1,iidx)
  z2 = z_b(2,iidx)
  z3 = z_b(3,iidx)
  z4 = z_b(4,iidx)
; install initial cables
def ins_cab
  loop iidx (1,3)
    cab_seg = cab_seg_m-3*(3-iidx)
    y1      = 0.
    y2      = float(cab_seg)
      sel cable id iidx begin x1 y1 z1 end x1 y2 z1 nseg cab_seg
      sel cable id iidx begin x2 y1 z2 end x2 y2 z2 nseg cab_seg
      sel cable id iidx begin x3 y1 z3 end x3 y2 z13nseg cab_seg
      sel cable id iidx begin x4 y1 z4 end x4 y2 z4 nseg cab_seg
      sel cable pro emod 45e9 xcarea 1.57e-3 gr_per 1. &
                    yten 25e4 gr_k 17.5e6 gr_c 20e4 ran id iidx
set cab_seg_m 15
; install pre-support concrete
sel shell id 10 group rock range cy1 end1 0 0 -1.5 rad 7.4 &
                                cy1 end1 0 0 -1.5 end2 0 1 -1.5 rad 6.7 not &
                                 z -0.1 6
sel shell prop isotropic 10.5e9,0.25 thickness 0.3 density 2500
def monit
  ipt_surf  =  gp_near(0,30,35)
  ipt_crown =  gp_near(0,30,5.5)
  ipt_spring = gp_near(7,30,0)
save m_ini.sav
; FISH function to control excavation and support sequence
def excav
  y0 = y0+3
  cut_i = y0/3+1
  loop cut (cut_i,16)
    cut_cur = cut
    step_name = ' EXCAVATION STEP ' + string(cut)
    ii  = out(step_name)
    y0  = 3*(cut-1)
    y1  = y0+3
    yp0 = y0+1
    yp1 = y1+1
    ys0 = yp0-3
    ys1 = yp1-3
    yc0 = y0-3
    yc1 = y1-3
    id_ = 10
;    id_ = 10*(cut+1)  ; use if shells unconnected
       ; install pre support concrete
       sel shell id id_group rock &
           range cy1 end1 0 yp0 -1.5 end2 0 yp1 -1.5 rad 7.4 &
                 cy1 end1 0 yp0 -1.5 end2 0 yp1 -1.5 rad 6.7 not &
                 z -0.1 6
       sel shell prop isotropic 10.5e9,0.25 thickness 0.3 density 2500 &
                       ran y yp0 y1
       ; excavate next cut
       mo null range reg tunnel y y0 y1
       mo null range reg 'concrete liner' y y0 y1
       ; delete-cables in the excavated area
       sel delete cable 1 range y y0 y1
       sel delete cable 2 range y y0 y1
       sel delete cable 3 range y y0 y1
     cut_1 = cut-1
     ii = out(' CABLE BOLT PATTERN '+string(iidx))
        sel delete cable iidx
        ; install new cables
        sel cable id iidx begin x1 y1 z1 end x1 y2 z1 nseg cab_seg_m
        sel cable id iidx begin x2 y1 z2 end x2 y2 z2 nseg cab_seg_m
        sel cable id iidx begin x3 y1 z3 end x3 y2 z3 nseg cab_seg_m
        sel cable id iidx begin x4 y1 z4 end x4 y2 z4 nseg cab_seg_m
        sel cable pro emod 45e9 xcarea 1.57e-3 gr_per 1. &
                      yten 25e4 gr_k 17.5e6 gr_c 20e4 ran id iidx
        ; shotcrete
        sel shell prop isotropic 10.5e9,0.25 thickness 0.5 density 2500 &
                       ran y ys0 ys1
      if cut > 1 then
           ; concrete liner
           mo e1 range group 'concrete liner' y yc0 yc1
           pro bulk bmc sh smc range group 'concrete liner' y yc0 yc1
      step 3000
; store displacements in tables
    xtable(1,cut) = 3.0 * cut
    ytable(1,cut) = gp_zdisp(ipt_surf)
    xtable(2,cut) = 3.0 * cut
    ytable(2,cut) = gp_zdisp(ipt_crown)
    xtable(3,cut) = 3.0 * cut
    ytable(3,cut) = gp_zdisp(ipt_spring)
       save m1.sav
    if cut=5 then
          save m1_15.sav
        if cut=9 then
            save m1_27.sav
      if cut=10 then
            save m1_30.sav
; finishes stepping for the current excavation step
; and continues following excavation steps
def cont_excav
  rest_step = 3000*(step/3000+1)-step
  if rest_step = 3000 then
    rest_step = 0
    step rest_step
; store displacements in tables
    xtable(1,cut) = 3.0 * cut
    ytable(1,cut) = gp_zdisp(ipt_surf)
    xtable(2,cut) = 3.0 * cut
    ytable(2,cut) = gp_zdisp(ipt_crown)
    xtable(3,cut) = 3.0 * cut
    ytable(3,cut) = gp_zdisp(ipt_spring)
       save m1.sav
    if cut=10 then
          save m1_30.sav
运行到; assign Mohr-Coulomb material model
mo mohr
pro bulk 50e6 she 18e6 fric 20 coh 25e3 ten 0 dill 0 range z 25 35
pro bulk 4e8 she 1.5e8 fric 20 coh 50e3 ten 5e3 dill 3 range z -50 25
提示property bad,or dose not correspond to model

发表于 2010-7-17 09:21:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 福建福州
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发表于 2010-7-17 13:13:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 湖南湘潭
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