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[J. 电子书/教程] 【下载】SSI分析的小程序(FLUSH)

发表于 2003-1-2 10:35:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 北京
Program: FLUSH Title: Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis
Developer: J. Lysmer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
California, Berkeley 1975
Modified: N. Deng, San Francisco 1991
Category: Geotechnical
Platform: CDC mainframe, NOS, FTN4, single precision IBM mainframe,
VM/CMS, Fort4H, Lahey Fortran F77L
Reference: Lysmer, J., T. Udaka, C.F. Tsai, and H.B. Seed, "FLUSH-- A
Computer Program for Approximate 3-D Analysis of Soil-Structure
Interaction Problems," Earthquake Engineering Research Center,
Report No. UCB/EERC-75/30, University of California, Berkeley,
November 1975.
Summary: The computer program FLUSH is a further development of the
complex response finite element program LUSH (Lysmer et al., 1974).
The new program is considerably faster than LUSH and it includes a
large number of new features which make the program more efficient and
The program is now in its sixth version and provides a complete tool for
seismic soil-structure interaction analysis by complex response method.
The FLUSH program includes the following features:
1.Plane strain quadrilateral elements for modeling of soils and
2.Beam elements for modelling of structures.
3.Multiple nonlinear soil properties for equivalent linear analysis.
This allows for different damping in each element.
4.An approximate 3-D ability which makes it possible to perform certain
structure-soil-structure interaction analyses at essentially the same
cost as 2-D analysis.
5.Transmitting boundaries which greatly reduce the number of elements
required and eliminates the need to perform several analyses to ensure
that the finite element boundaries are placed far enough away from the
6.A new out-of-core equation solver which reduces core-size problems.
7.Internal deconvolution. This feature eliminates the need to perform an
independent site response analysis for determination of the rigid base
8.Convenient file handling features which provide restart ability and a
permanent record for later recovery of details of the solution.
9.Printed, plotted or stored output time histories of acceleration and
bending moments.
10.Computation of maximum shear forces in beam elements.
11.Printed or stored acceleration velocity response spectra.
12.Plotting of Fourier amplification functions.
13.Optional baseline correction of input and output motions.
14.Several additional features which improve the efficiency, utility and
clarity of the program (Optional RMS method for strain computations, new
interpolation scheme, etc.).


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