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[11.其他多场耦合] COMSOL 3.2: exporting the FEM structure and ma nipulating it, reimporting

发表于 2006-1-23 09:44:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海浦东新区
> Hello,
> recently we upgraded to Comsol 3.2 and I appreciate (in general) the
> improvements (with the exception of them moving the previously
> standary iges import to an optional module).
> However, I am having some problems using the FEM structure.
> In Femlab 3.1 I would export my FEM structure to Matlab, and then I
> would be able to manipulate it. Specifically, I am working in
> Electrostatics, and I would be able to solve a problem with one set of
> an electrodes at a voltage, export that solution in a structure (lets
> call it A), solve the problem again with a different set of values,
> and again export the fem structure (call this one B).
> Then, I was able to add these two solutions using:
> added = A (to create a structure called "added" with the same entries
> as A)
> added.sol = femsol(A.sol.u + B.sol.u) (to make the sol field equal to
> the sol field of A plus the sol field of B)
> It seems to me now that "FEMLAB with MATLAB" is now, basically "Comsol
> Script". When I "export" my fem structure, Comsol Script opens and my
> structure is there. I can manipulate it, however I can't import it
> back into Femlab - I get either a
> Error: 9040
> Fatal error.
> - Type: ClassCastException
> or a completely blank screen.
> Why???? Can anyone help me?
 楼主| 发表于 2006-1-23 09:50:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海浦东新区

Re:COMSOL 3.2: exporting the FEM structure and ma nipulating it, reimporting

> Hello,
> in version 3.2a:
> fem.sol is an  FEMSOL object!
> Try help femsol at the command line of COMSOL script to see the options.
> Step by step:
> If you want to do something like C=A+B
> - export:    A
> - export:    B
> - construct: C = A
> - add:       C.sol = femsol(A.sol.u+B.sol.u)
> - import:    C
> Hope that help's,
>     Thomas Loose
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