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[11.其他多场耦合] how to get the output data file of FEMLAB?

发表于 2006-2-10 16:00:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 上海浦东新区
Any body can tell me how to get the output data of femlab? thanks!

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-10 16:03:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海浦东新区

Re:how to get the output data file of FEMLAB?

Hello John,

A number of ways:

1) through file>export>postprocessing data will give you a text file containing nodal data of the value you see on the postprocessing plot, for instance a temperature distribution.

2) as “structure” in for instance a COMSOL Script or Matlab environment

3) for postprocessing >domain plot parameters and such: once you have th figure on screen you can “export current plot” into a text file.

Hope this helps!
 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-10 16:05:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海浦东新区

Re:how to get the output data file of FEMLAB?

Hellow Will:
Thanks for your reply,actually,i 'd like to get all node coordinator
and a value(like temperature) for each element ,i have reviewed all
the properties for postinterp, but i can not find the one for node
coordinator and element,could you please help me?
 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-10 16:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海浦东新区

Re:how to get the output data file of FEMLAB?

If you want to get the coordinate for each node, here's ony way to
do it:

femtemp = fem;
femtemp.appl.equ.init = {'x'};
femtemp = multiphysics(femtemp);
femtemp.xmesh = meshextend(femtemp);
sol = asseminit(femtemp);
node_x = sol.u;
femtemp.appl.equ.init = {'y'};
femtemp = multiphysics(femtemp);
femtemp.xmesh = meshextend(femtemp);
sol = asseminit(femtemp);
node_y = sol.u;

solution_vector = [ node_x node_y fem.sol.u ];

The solution_vector matrix has three columns, column 1 is node X
coordinate, col. 2 is y coordinate, col. 3 is the value at the
nodes. You might also be able to skip the second call to
multihpysics and meshextend.

发表于 2007-8-17 17:58:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京
请问如下这段程序应该插入到 .m文件的什么位置?
另外,有时我用matlab编写的一段数据处理及图形输出的程序也不知道该放在 .m文件的什么位置?插入程序段时有规则吗?

原帖由 edodo 于 2006-2-10 16:07 发表
If you want to get the coordinate for each node, here's ony way to
do it:

femtemp = fem;
femtemp.appl.equ.init = {'x'};
femtemp = multiphysics(femtemp);
femtemp.xmesh = meshextend(femtemp);
sol ...
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-17 20:42:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
放在% Solve problem
fem.sol=femlin(fem, ...
               'solcomp',{'u','v'}, ...

这类的求解的后面  这里用的是线性求解器  求解U V 输出U V
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发表于 2007-8-18 17:48:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京

回复 #6 edodo 的帖子

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