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发表于 2006-7-23 15:35:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 天津

*** ERROR ***                           CP =     551.828   TIME= 16:52:25
Input/Output error on unit = 20.  Possible full disk.                  

一个同样的非线性分析问题,放在其它电脑上可以正常的运行, 而在某些电脑上却不可以,疑惑的是这些出问题的电脑就是内存大了些(512M),而运行正常的电脑配置才256M的却可以计算。为什么呢?
发表于 2007-7-24 09:19:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自 重庆沙坪坝区
我现在也出现这个问题了 Input/Output error on unit = 9.  Possible full disk

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-24 11:13:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江哈尔滨
原帖由 yuxiaoyuh1138 于 2006-7-23 15:35 发表

*** ERROR ***                           CP =     551.828   TIME= 16:52:25
Input/Output error on unit = 20.  Possible full disk.                ...

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发表于 2007-7-24 11:55:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京
Input/Output error on unit = 20,检查磁盘格式如果是FAT32将其改成NTFS格式,因为FAT32要求单一文件的格式不能超过4G。
Input/Output error on unit = 9,你的磁盘太碎了,进行一下磁盘整理就可以了。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-24 11:56:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自 北京
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发表于 2007-7-24 20:16:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 重庆沙坪坝区
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发表于 2007-7-24 22:02:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江哈尔滨
原帖由 sc8210 于 2007-7-24 11:55 发表
Input/Output error on unit = 20,检查磁盘格式如果是FAT32将其改成NTFS格式,因为FAT32要求单一文件的格式不能超过4G。
Input/Output error on unit = 9,你的磁盘太碎了,进行一下磁盘整理就可以了。
有这 ...


我认为是这样 xansys上的解释很合理:

Not only does ANSYS write large temp files, but it leaves them there for
you to ponder until saturation of the disk. If you have been doing many
analyses, you can likely regain A LOT of space by seeking out and
deleting these files

1) 求解时调用Bram Weisman 写的两个宏文件(一个bat,一个就是ansys宏)清理零时文件
  1. Caution: I do not recommend running this in the ROOT of any drive that
  2. contains anything other than ANSYS jobs. For example, since C: is full
  3. of other programs including the O.S. and I cannot guarantee that other
  4. programs don't use some of these extensions, do not run it in the ROOT
  5. of C:.

  6. *******Begin Tempdele.bat********
  7. REM tempdele.bat
  8. REM Deletes ANSYS temporary or unecessary files from the current folder
  9. (directory)
  10. REM and all subfolders.
  11. REM By Bram Weisman April 26, 2003. For ANSYS 7.0.
  12. REM Use at your own risk. I assume no liability for damages due to use
  13. or
  14. REM misuse of this batch file.
  15. REM
  16. REM The swith /q enables the macro to proceed without user interation.
  17. REM There will be no confirm delete prompts.
  18. REM The /s allows searching of subdirectories
  19. REM Be sure you understand this macro before you execute it.

  20. rem !Element Matrices
  21. del *.emat* /q /s
  22. rem !Element Rotated Matrices
  23. del *.erot* /q /s
  24. rem !Element saved data ESAV files created by nonlinear analyses
  25. del *.esav* /q /s
  26. rem !Assembled global stiffness and mass matrices
  27. del *.full* /q /s
  28. rem !Loading and boundary conditions of load steps (used for multiframe
  29. restart)
  30. del *.ldhi* /q /s
  31. rem !Element saved records, solution commands, and status for a single
  32. substep of a load step (used for multiframe restart)
  33. del *.r0* /q /s
  34. rem !Element saved records, solution commands, and status for a single
  35. substep of a load step (used for multiframe restart)
  36. del *.r1* /q /s
  37. rem !Sparse solver scratch files
  38. del *.LN* /q /s
  39. rem !Copy of ESAV file from last converged substep
  40. del *.osav* /q /s
  41. rem !Page file for ANSYS virtual memory (database space)
  42. del *.page* /q /s
  43. rem !Scratch file for PCG solver
  44. del *.pc* /q /s
  45. rem !Scratch file for Jacobi Conjugate Gradient solver
  46. del *.scr* /q /s
  47. rem !Scratch file from substructure generation pass
  48. del *.sscr* /q /s
  49. rem !DB Lock file
  50. del *.lock /q /s
  51. *******End Tempdele.bat********

  52. I also have an ANSYS macro file which deletes these files in the current
  53. ANSYS working folder

  54. ******Begin tempdele.mac************
  55. !tempdele.mac deletes ANSYS temporary or unecessary files
  56. /sys,del *.emat* /q !Element Matrices
  57. /sys,del *.erot* /q !Element Rotated Matrices
  58. /sys,del *.esav* /q !Element saved data ESAV files created by nonlinear
  59. analyses
  60. /sys,del *.full* /q !Assembled global stiffness and mass matrices
  61. /sys,del *.ldhi* /q !Loading and boundary conditions of load steps (used
  62. for multiframe restart)
  63. /sys,del *.r0* /q !Element saved records, solution commands, and status
  64. for a single substep of a load step (used for multiframe restart)
  65. /sys,del *.r1* /q !Element saved records, solution commands, and status
  66. for a single substep of a load step (used for multiframe restart)
  67. /sys,del *.LN* /q !Sparse solver scratch files
  68. /sys,del *.osav* /q !Copy of ESAV file from last converged substep
  69. /sys,del *.page* /q !Page file for ANSYS virtual memory (database space)
  70. /sys,del *.pc* /q !Scratch file for PCG solver
  71. /sys,del *.scr* /q !Scratch file for Jacobi Conjugate Gradient solver
  72. /sys,del *.sscr* /q !Scratch file from substructure generation pass
  73. /sys,del *.lock /q !DB Lock file
  74. ******End tempdele.mac************

  75. Again, understand these before you use them, I assume no responsibility
  76. for the consequences

[ 本帖最后由 北极熊甲 于 2007-7-24 22:15 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-26 09:25:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 重庆沙坪坝区

回复 #7 北极熊甲 的帖子

pcg求解器我也试过,但是我的coefficient ratio超出范围1e8,迭代时很慢,我最后也没等下去,比稀疏阵法要慢得多了。

[ 本帖最后由 mncaojing 于 2007-7-26 09:42 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-26 09:56:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自 重庆沙坪坝区

回复 #7 北极熊甲 的帖子

不好意思,再问一下:如何调用宏文件?是直接把这些命令输入进去么?我没用过命令流文件,还有:是不是只用其中一个文件就可以了 ,还是两个都要调用?

[ 本帖最后由 mncaojing 于 2007-7-26 09:59 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-7-26 10:18:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自 黑龙江哈尔滨
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发表于 2014-1-17 15:46:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海
首先应该检查一下工作目录和临时文件目录 (Scratch) 所在的盘是否满了 (最好是在求解过程中动态的观察,以免出错后一些文件被自动删除,无法得出正确结果),如果盘空间没有问题,一般是内存不够,可以对 ANSYS 使用的内存进行一下设置。
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发表于 2014-2-1 16:01:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 安徽
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