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[航空专版] 上传了Model.Jet.Engines作者Thomas.Kamps

发表于 2010-12-1 21:38:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 辽宁沈阳
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书      名:Model.Jet.Engines
作      者:Thomas.Kamps
出 版  社:Roskam Aviation & Engineering Corporation
文件大小:53.4 MB

The idea of the gas turbine can be traced back to a patent filed by the Frenchman Guillaume in the year 1921,and is therefore quite old. However, it was many years before it proved possible to put the principle into prartice in the form of the jet engine. In the late nineteen-thirty Hans-Joachim Pabst von Obain and Sir Frank Whittle successful virtually simultaneously in applying the principle to construct a working engine. It has taken us modellers agreat deal more time to bring the idea to fruition. Too complex and too much trouble-that was always the verdict. Now and then
rumours of successful modle-scale gas turbines filtered to the outside world, but in many cases the engines were only capable of running when their constructor was drcaming.
  However how do we go about designing a warking jet engine? What special characteristics have to be considered? How do these engines work anyway? This book attempts  to  answer  these  questions  and  many others. with the overall aim of helping you to understand this new type of engine. As such it is really aimed at the beginner to jet, but don't give up if you are alreaady familiar with that special kerosene fragrance you will still find a few useful ideas here even if you already have some experience of jet engines.

作者简介:Thomas Kamps, Dipl-Kaufrnann (approx. GB equivalent:B.Sc.business studies).born 1970. The author's licking for technology strecthes back sas far as he can remember. No sweets or chocolate in his Christmas Stocking: it was full og electrical and mechanical components. Following his practical inlinations, he converted the family cellar workshop first into a precision engineering manufacturing workshop, and subsequently into an engine testing station. He is lucky-his neighbours are very sympatheric towards his hobby.


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发表于 2010-12-2 12:46:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 上海长宁区
where can i download it. thank
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-2 22:17:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 辽宁沈阳
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