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发表于 2009-3-1 14:00:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 河南焦作
发表于 2009-3-1 15:51:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自 安徽淮南

DEF _variables
; --- To reconstruct the compression analytical curves: ---
_sig_conf = 0.0 ;sig3 confine stress
;_sig_conf = -1.0  ; negative is compression
_max_eyy = -6.0e-2 ;<-- maximum 'driving' strain (contraction negative)
; Plastic properties
_sig_ci = 1.0 ; <-- enter UCS as positive always
_mb = 5.0
_s = 1.0
_a = 0.5
_sig3_cv = 1.5 ; <-- enter UCS as positive always
_sig_tm2 = - _s*_sig_ci/_mb
; Elastic properties
_young = 100
_poiss = 0.35
_bulk = _young/3.0/(1-2*_poiss)
_shear = _young/2.0/(1+_poiss)
; Loading
_cyc = 20000 ; <-- number of steps in which load is to be applied
_delta_u = _max_eyy * 1.0
_y_vel = 0.5*_delta_u / _cyc
_minus_y_vel = -_y_vel

gen zone brick size 1 1 1
model hoekbrown
prop shear=_shear    bulk=_bulk
prop hbsigci=_sig_ci hbmb=_mb   hbs=_s hba=_a
prop hbs3cv=_sig3_cv
prop dens = 1.0
apply sxx=_sig_conf
apply szz=_sig_conf
ini sxx = _sig_conf
ini syy = _sig_conf
ini szz = _sig_conf

DEF _locptrs
_zp1 = zone_head
_gp11 = gp_near(0, 0, 0)
_gp12 = gp_near(0, 1, 0)
_gp21 = gp_near(1, 0, 0)
_gp22 = gp_near(1, 1, 0)

DEF _record_variables
  _disp_0 = 0.5*(gp_xdisp(_gp11) + gp_xdisp(_gp12))
  _disp_1 = 0.5*(gp_xdisp(_gp21) + gp_xdisp(_gp22))
  _eps_xx = -(_disp_0 - _disp_1)/1.0
  _disp_0 = 0.5*(gp_ydisp(_gp11) + gp_ydisp(_gp21))
  _disp_1 = 0.5*(gp_ydisp(_gp12) + gp_ydisp(_gp22))
  _eps_yy = -(_disp_0 - _disp_1)/1.0
  _sig_zz = z_szz(_zp1)
  _sig_xx = z_sxx(_zp1)
  _sig_yy = z_syy(_zp1)
  _record_variables = 1.0

apply yvel _y_vel range y 0.9 1.1
apply yvel _minus_y_vel range y -0.1 0.1
his id 1 _record_variables
hist nstep 1000
his id 11 _eps_xx
his id 12 _eps_yy
his id 13 _eps_yy
his id 21 _sig_xx
his id 22 _sig_yy
his id 23 _sig_zz
step _cyc
; Copy histories to tables
DEF _copy_histories_to_tables
        loop j (1,2)
        loop i (1,3)
                itabloc = int(j*10+i)
                        his write itabloc table itabloc
        ; Table 111 contains syy   stress vs axial strain diagram
        ; Table 112 contains sxx   stress vs axial strain diagram
        ; Table 113 contains szz   stress vs axial strain diagram
        ; Table 114 contains lateral strain vs axial strain diagram
        _n = table_size(11)
        loop i (1,_n)
                ;  _sig_yy vs _eps_yy
                xtable(111,i) = -ytable(12,i)/_sig_ci
                ytable(111,i) = -ytable(22,i)/_sig_ci
                ;  _sig_xx vs _eps_yy
                xtable(112,i) = -ytable(12,i)/_sig_ci
                ytable(112,i) = -ytable(21,i)/_sig_ci
                ;  _sig_zz vs _eps_yy
                xtable(113,i) = -ytable(12,i)/_sig_ci
                ytable(113,i) = -ytable(23,i)/_sig_ci
                ;  _eps_xx vs _eps_yy
                xtable(114,i) = -ytable(12,i)
                ytable(114,i) = -ytable(11,i)
; Compute analytical solution
DEF _analytical_solution
        ; Stress-strain diagram
        _sig1F = _sig_conf-_sig_ci*(-_mb*_sig_conf/_sig_ci+_s)^_a
        _S_s1e1_Elast = _young
        _eps1CR = (_sig1F-_sig_conf)/_S_s1e1_Elast
        _eps1MAX = _max_eyy
        ; Table 211 contains syy   stress vs axial strain diagram
        ; Table 212 contains sxx   stress vs axial strain diagram
        ; Table 214 contains lateral strain vs axial strain diagram
        xtable(211,1) = 0.0
        xtable(211,2) = -_eps1CR/_sig_ci
        xtable(211,3) = -_eps1MAX/_sig_ci
        ytable(211,1) = -_sig_conf/_sig_ci
        ytable(211,2) = -_sig1F/_sig_ci
        ytable(211,3) = -_sig1F/_sig_ci
        xtable(212,1) = 0.0
        xtable(212,2) = -_eps1CR/_sig_ci
        xtable(212,3) = -_eps1MAX/_sig_ci
        ytable(212,1) = -_sig_conf/_sig_ci
        ytable(212,2) = -_sig_conf/_sig_ci
        ytable(212,3) = -_sig_conf/_sig_ci
        ; Strain-strain diagram
        _S_e3e1_Elast = -_poiss
        _eps3CR = _eps1CR*_S_e3e1_Elast
        _Kpsi_0 = 1 + _a*_mb/(-_mb*_sig_conf/_sig_ci+_s)^(1-_a)
        if -_sig_conf > _sig3_cv
                _Kpsi = 1.0
                _Kpsi = _Kpsi_0 + _sig_conf/_sig3_cv * (_Kpsi_0-1)
        _S_e3e1_Plast = -_Kpsi / 2.0
        _eps3MAX = _eps3CR + (_eps1MAX-_eps1CR)*_S_e3e1_Plast
        xtable(214,1) = 0.0
        xtable(214,2) = -_eps1CR/_sig_ci
        xtable(214,3) = -_eps1MAX/_sig_ci
        ytable(214,1) = 0.0
        ytable(214,2) = -_eps3CR/_sig_ci
        ytable(214,3) = -_eps3MAX/_sig_ci
table 111 name 'syy vs eyy (FLAC3D)'
table 112 name 'sxx vs eyy (FLAC3D)'
table 113 name 'szz vs eyy (FLAC3D)'
table 211 name 'syy vs eyy (analytical)'
table 212 name 'sxx vs eyy (analytical)'
table 114 name 'exx vs eyy (FLAC3D)'
table 214 name 'exx vs eyy (analytical)'
DEF _plot_solutions
        name1 = 'Triaxial Compression Test'
           title @name1
           plot table 211 line 111 212 line 112 113 &
             ymin -1.0 ymax 5.0 alias 'Stress-Axial Strain'
           title @name1
           plot table 114 214 line ymin -0.2 &
           alias 'Lateral Strain-Axial Strain'
save ex2_04.sav
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发表于 2009-3-1 15:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 安徽淮南
Hoek-Brown — MODEL hoekbrown

(1) atable number of table relating a to ep3
(2) bulk bulk modulus, K
(3) citable number of table relating σci to ep3
(4) hba Hoek-Brown parameter, a
(5) hbs Hoek-Brown parameter, s
(6) hbmb Hoek-Brown parameter, mb
(7) hbsigci Hoek-Brown parameter, σci
(8) hbs3cv Hoek-Brown parameter, σcv3
(9) hb_e3plas accumulated plastic strain, ep3
(10) hb_ind plasticity indicator (as Mohr Coulomb)
(11) mtable number of table relating to mb to ep3
(12) multable number of table relating a multiplier to σ3
(13) shear shear modulus, G
(14) stable number of table relating s to ep3

Plasticity state indicator flags are given below. Use logical and to find individual and multiple state modes.

Bit Number  State
1  failure in shear now  
2  failure in shear in the past  

See Section 2.5.8 in Theory and Background (FLAC3D Manual) for details.
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发表于 2009-3-1 15:54:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 安徽淮南
hbs3cv 是什么意思不知道?
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