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[结构分析] 什么是 associativity ???

发表于 2011-4-21 14:27:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 台湾
Setting Principal Axis and Orientation

The definition of the coordinate system involves two vectors, the Principal Axis vector and the Orientation About Principal Axis vector. The coordinate system respects the plane formed by these two vectors and aligns with the Principal Axis. Use the Principal Axis category in the Details view to define one of either the X, Y, or Z axes in terms of a:

. Geometry Selection - Associatively align axis to a topological feature in the model. When a change occurs to the feature, the axis automatically updates to reflect the change.

. Fixed Vector – Depending upon the Geometry Selection, this option preserves the current Geometry Selection without associativity. When a change occurs to the feature the axis will not update automatically to reflect that change.

. Global X, Y, Z axis – Force the axis to align to a global X, Y, or Z axis.

Use the Orientation About Principal Axis category in the Details view to define one of the orientation X, Y, or Z axes in terms of the Default, Geometry Selection, the Global X, Y, Z axes, or Fixed Vector.

什么是 associativity ???
发表于 2011-4-21 20:31:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自 瑞典
I think it is explained in the following sentence.
"When a change occurs to the feature, the axis automatically updates to reflect the change."
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-22 13:59:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自 台湾
I think it is explained in the following sentence.
"When a change occurs to the feature, the axis automatically updates to reflect the change."
clame 发表于 2011-4-21 20:31

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-22 14:15:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 台湾
关联性( associativity)


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发表于 2011-4-22 14:56:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自 瑞典
本帖最后由 clame 于 2011-4-23 02:00 编辑

而这里提到关于建立坐标系,Geometry Selection, 指选取几何特征,线面体均可,而此时坐标系原点会随你选取几何不同而改变,此时原点位于所选的几何体的几何中心。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-23 16:11:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 台湾
Associatively align axis to a topological feature in the model. When a change occurs to the feature, the axis automatically updates to reflect the change.

在模型中 关联性 对齐轴至一个拓扑特征。


Associatively 在段落中来好像有点怪???
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